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Old 11-22-2014, 12:29 PM   #29
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JonathanMagus began at the beginning.
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Hi Kevin

Brilliant! The same two files now produce ePUB3 versions that go through ePUBcheck cleanly. The only theoretical error reported by it remains the .ncx DOCTYPE.

I will probably drop the .ncx file anyway, because the rest of the ePUB3 document would most likely end up too far away from compatibility with an ePUB2 eReader after further development following the conversion, so having one wouldn't be essential. It does make sense to keep it in the conversion process output though because sometimes it will be good to have.

However, as a point of interest this documentation suggests that Sigil's original DOCTYPE in the .ncx file isn't absolutely necessary, although obviously it is valid as you said previously:

This is a big step forward in the practicalities of developing for ePUB3.



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