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Old 09-05-2014, 11:05 AM   #190
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kdogg began at the beginning.
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Please treat us like adults

Mr. Goval,
First, thank you for the extraordinary gift you have given the eBook community with Calibre.

I understand your good conscience at closing off Calibre 2.x to the XP community because you have received complaints.

I do not understand why your good conscience stops cold at perhaps treating your users as grownups who can make their own informed decisions about whether to upgrade Calibre on their own systems.

You treat us as though we are smart enough to use information on how to compile an edited version of the source code – a task is far beyond the means and abilities of some of us – while treating us as too stupid to read a warning about how Calibre may not work on some XP installs.

You seem to want to give us only two choices: be an engineer or be a child. I am neither. I know how to read a warning, however, and of course am now quite well informed that at some point I may not be able to run new installs on my XP machine. Please, sir, treat me like a grownup and allow me to make my own decisions about upgrading Calibre.

In my first post on this board, I stated that 2.0 works better than previous versions on my system. I have more experience with 2.0 since I made that post, a lot more, and I am continuing to have an excellent experience with it. You are an amazing toolmaker. Not many engineers ever develop tools that become a vital part of their users' working systems.

I cannot afford the costs in money and time of upgrading my system, and in fact love the way my system has worked for years. I'm not an engineer, I'm a writer. The only things I compile are short stories. Please allow your community to make its own decisions about which versions of Calibre to use.
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