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Old 05-29-2006, 02:12 PM   #1
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Unhappy Why eBooks are so expensive ?

Hey y'all (southern salutation ;-))
As everybody here I think, I've been very interested by one of the promise of the electronic version of books, i.e. their (supposedly) low price. After all, a great part of a book's price is the cost of the advertisement made and the conception / printing / transport / managment of the unsold copies (maybe an edition professional there could precise this).

In eBooks we're left with advertisement and conception. Why, then, the observed prices are barely inferior to 30% of the price of the physical copy on most of the website I've been in ? I'd expect something like 20% OF the price of the physical copy. So far I've been very disappointed by the prices policy I observed. Any comment, or something I'm not aware of that could explain these high prices ?

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