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Old 04-21-2014, 08:54 PM   #52
Junior Member
stysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercisestysis juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercise
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Device: Kindle Keyboard
I had the exact problem described by Zirowe at the start of this thread and was looking for a solution and came across what seems to be the best option so far from tccsargent posted 09-21-2013.

When I first came across it I was reluctant to try it for 3 reasons: I had hastily thrown out my old cracked screen; it wasn't a major problem as I could still read books, only images were corrupted; and I didn't want to have to reinstall the hacks I had so much fun with after a factory reset.

Originally Posted by tccsargent View Post
(2) While the Kindle is still open, attach the new screen to it and navigate to "Reset to Factory Defaults" in the system submenu of the Kindle, and press Enter.
But then I got thinking... If a restart will bring back the bad waveform, why wouldn't a restart install the good waveform?

So I opened my sons Kindle to try this with his screen and bingo! it worked beautifully.

A simple restart rather than a factory reset did the job for me.

Thanks to all whose wisdom I have benefited from. I've been having lots of fun with my Kindle 3 over the last few days, learning heaps from this wonderful forum about how it works and what can be done with it.

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