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Old 03-23-2014, 09:31 AM   #10
Twyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameterTwyn can solve quadratic equations while standing on his or her head reciting poetry in iambic pentameter
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I'll be careful to put the right MIME type then. Thanks for the warning.
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