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Old 10-18-2013, 07:44 AM   #11
kerliza began at the beginning.
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bulk image rename

I used the Sigil process for one set of image files in a chapter (which made a huge task for reentering the "alt image" labels) but in merging the separately managed chapters into one epub the images regrouped according to alpha-numeric ordering to become a unanimous mess.

I'll have to work on the approach to have 11 chapters with a compilation of 500 pictures make sense for fine editing when there is no way to separate the images into distinct folders. One mistake and raking through the image list will be monstrous given the limitations of the search feature for image management.

What would be cool is if the images could be given separate folders to correspond to their parent chapter in Sigil.

Image archiving will be an ongoing task in this century due to the collage collections of the past that have historical significance to every community since photography began. E-publishing has to form a path in expecting the future of image management for story illustration will be a flourishing industry.

In the meantime, bulk renaming in Sigil has been daunting in trying to find a way to do it without losing the original image name which distinguishes it at a glance; a substitution I find handy given there is not a thumbnail feature in Sigil for visual image recognition ordering. The insert feature is a tedious image search approach.

Musing the mussiness
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