TITLE: BtSync (Bitorrent Folder Sync)
UPSTREAM SOURCE: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sho...17#post2504417
SUPPORTS: (I only have PW so feel free to test and feedback).
- DX No
- K3 No
- K4 No
- Touch Yes
- PW Yes
REQUIRES: Leafpad (to edit config)
LINK: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sho...17#post2504417
AUTHOR: Farfeduc (Omega)
First Run instructions & advice :
Instructions :
First go to :
Install the software
Then install the extension :
-Copy it like usual in /mnt/us/extensions
-open KUAl and choose the "Edit config" option
-Modify the Secret to match with your computer
-reopen KUAL and start the sync
(Silent start and stop, no popup)
Advice : You can stop the background process to save battery.