Originally Posted by Rontonio
Hi. I went through the entire process, word by word. At the point on page 8, where I clicked "Customize" I got an error message: "An exception of class NilObject Extension was not handled. Application must shut down." I figured the SD card file might still contain the right files, but there was no files.505. folder. What now? I already purchased Caecilia, and hope I can get this thing figured-out. Thanks for your help.
Rontonio, I've actually seen this error a few times myself, usually after using PRSC once already and populating the sdcard folder. My solution was to just delete the whole folder where PRSC was extracted and then re-extract PRSC again (into a new folder).
Basically, it's some kind of weird bug in PRSC. Deleting it and extracting again solves it.
Hope that helps. If it doesn't, report back here.
EDIT: Also, why buy Caecilia? I mean, it's nicer than the Bitstream Vera Serif that is used in the guide, but not by much. I happened to have the font for business reasons so I used it, but I would have definitely went with Vera Serif had I not had it lying around. Vera Serif is free, Caecilia is 30$.