TITLE: Mplayer GUI
UPSTREAM SOURCE: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/sho...d.php?t=192224
- DX Not at this time (Touchscreen code, could be expanded to keys, 5 way manipulation)
- K3 ditto
- K4 ditto
- Touch Yes ( All Revisions )
- PW Unknown
Most compatible version linked (with a future eye to "all kindle" support)
LINK: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/att...5&d=1348854194
AUTHOR: wsxhwyy
The source for this is available
here and the project is RIPE for expansion.
The "drawing direct to the framebuffer" thing that this does freaks out the kindles display slightly. but it does work. really well.
After closure: Will leave visual artefacts on the kindles search/status area until something causes that area to be redrawn. Open a book, browser, etc.
So To reiterate: Since this extension uses EIPS for displaying output.
It will cause the search bar and status area to become a bit mangled looking.
This can be easily remedied by
- Opening a book
- Opening the browser
- power cycling
- other things.
This eink eips messiness will probably be tidied up
at some point.
not hyper critical.