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Old 11-18-2012, 12:27 PM   #15
elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.elvenic 's shirt has a full set of merit badges.
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Originally Posted by johnnyb View Post
Just keep returning these books until Amazon changes publishing guidelines to accord with their device advertisements (change font type and size etc)
Yes, if that was a fatal problem, I might have retuned these books. But the books _are_ readable, and font size can be changed.

And, I got all these books for $0 dollars (I'm subscriber of mail list that sends me daily current free ebooks list), so it's not like I really lost any money on these books. So far all ebooks that I paid real money for do not have this flaw. (Yes, this may change if this $0 cost book is 1st book in a series and I want to buy subsequent books)

It actually may be that all these broken books are from independent authors and small publishers that just do not know any better and use MS Office to type and format the text of the book and then export HTML from MS Office which automatically includes font in the css style, and that's how hardcoded font finishes up in the ebook. All these ebooks worked OK on previous KIndle models (pre-Paperwhite) where the ebook reader application was probably just ignoring any font specification and used the only available Caecilia font, so these authors/publishers did not have any reason to worry.

And it is hard to imagine that Amazon will re-convert all these thousands of already existing ebooks in its store that were created before the Paperwhite device was released and were working OK with previous devices. I'm not even sure Amazon has technical capabilitiy to re-convert existing ebooks, and even if they have the technical capbility, that they will be willing to do the re-conversion.

But anyway, it is a good idea to notify tha Amazon customer service about this problem, which I'm going to do right now
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