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Old 11-05-2012, 12:10 AM   #45
Junior Member
TornIdiots began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Device: Kindle 4 (2012)
Yeah, I was fooling around with the usb mode and looking around in diags mode to see what there was. I did get that comment saying the .xml was missing, which I realized I had deleted in order to attmpt to replace the files with the originals, but when you delete things from other drives they don't go to your recycle I just figured I could create it through diags.

I did a dump and some stuff too so I created a report as well, which I don't think would indicate what my problem was anyway. Regardless, despite plugging it in and out, I just plugged it back in so that it wouldn't die from diags mode and literally a minute ago it just randomly booted back up by itself and it's back like it was before. I'm not sure if this means everything is perfectly fine, or if there is an unseen corruption/missing file. Anyway, I feel like it should be fine. I'll use it a bit and if it's fine I guess I'll try the jailbreak again. I'm not even going for anything too fancy, jsut screensavers and perhaps a few apps.

Thanks for caring guys <(^_^)>

Last edited by TornIdiots; 11-05-2012 at 12:34 AM.
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