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Old 10-19-2012, 10:25 AM   #1
J.J. James
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Sailing Solo Alone by J.J. James

SAILING SOLO ALONE is a true story.
This novel is about a man who has just turned forty and whether as a consequence of this or not, has grown a little bored with his everyday, mundane existence.
‘That extra spark which made the difference between simply existing and living your life to the full had grown dim; so dim, one could only see it on the darkest of nights and only then when the landlady decided on a lock-in at the pub, which fortunately happened quite frequently at his local.’
Consequently, seeking some kind of excitement, he takes it into his head to buy a yacht.
After only three weeks, he has bought his yacht, had a little potter around up and down the river. Then, before he knew it, our hero (for want of a better word) is in the middle of the North Sea.
It’s October. It’s the dead of night. It’s extremely windy and worst of all he’s out there all on his own.
The Sea has one attempt at killing him. The boat somehow manages to stay upright, more by luck than anything else. He even manages to find a safe haven for the night.
Does he stay there? No! He actually sets out to sea at three o'clock in the morning...
If you wanted to be charitable, you might have said it was quite a nice night for a bit of a sail and it was, at first.
But this was the North Sea... The North Sea in Winter...
As he left the pier heads, looking to seaward, it was as dark as doomsday out there... And was only going to get darker.
It wouldn't be long before, he realised buying a yacht called 'Solo', may not have been one of his better ideas.
All a little late by then...

Last edited by J.J. James; 10-19-2012 at 10:39 AM.
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