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Old 10-13-2012, 12:53 PM   #53
Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.Barneyabz for a long time would go to bed early.
Posts: 31
Karma: 17602
Join Date: Nov 2010
Device: Kobo Glo and Kindle 3
My understanding is that the Kindle won't accept touch input if it is bagged or if you are wearing gloves. I am probably going to get a Kobo Glo because of this. Can't imagine why Amazon moved from infrared to capacitive, it might be slightly more responsive or accurate, but that doesn't outweigh the benefit of using it with gloves on or with it bagged.


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