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Old 11-18-2011, 03:25 PM   #1
Jowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplaneJowi makes transoceanic flights without the assistance of an airplane
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Location: WI
Device: iPod Touch 5g, Kindle PW, iPad 3
Is there a way to do 'full screen' on the web browser?

Trying to use this device for some educational websites and the address bar, tabs and bottom thing (with the home button, etc.) are all kind of in the way and cluttering up the screen. Is there a way to do like an 'f11' type thing on the Kindle Fire?

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