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Old 11-08-2011, 04:14 PM   #1
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[Sony Collections] help with automatic collection-naming

I have questions about how to use calibre to do a couple things with Collections on a Sony PRS-T1. I've tried figuring it out myself by going through the user manual and searching the forum, but it's been challenging to sort through all the technical stuff to put everything together.


1. The Collections on my Sony are built from a custom Genre column that I added myself. The Collection names are all appended with (Genre) so I get things like Romance.Leprechauns (Genre). Is it possible to have the (Genre) part left off the names?

2. In calibre, I would like to have something like a Read? column where I can make a check mark on books I've read. If I send books marked as Read to my Sony, I'd like caliber to automatically populate a new set of Collections that separate the read and unread books. I think it might be possible to use the template language to check if Read? is true, and if it is, use a SONY renaming rule to append (Read) to the genre-based Collection name, creating a new Collection for read books. If something along these lines is possible, would someone mind explaining how to set this up?

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