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Old 10-24-2011, 09:47 AM   #4
SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.SmokeAndMirrors ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Absolutely not. Are they kidding? I don't have to listen to an ad half-way through every song I buy. Why should I have to stare at an ad in the middle of the book I'm reading?

This won't do anything to discourage piracy. All it will do is create a new piracy market for ad-stripped ebooks.

The reason people pirate is because they charge insane prices and impose DRM that make books almost unusable in a variety of ways. And all they'll be doing by putting friggin' ads in books is making it worse, and forcing more people into the piracy game.

Charge and license reasonably. Then people will be more inclined to buy stuff. Holy crap, why don't these people get it?

Nor will I ever buy an ereading device that forces ads. Again, that's like having ads pop up on my personal computer while I'm offline and trying to write a document. It's insane and invasive.

Leave me alone! I am sick of companies thinking that they have the right to shove ads in my face absolutely everywhere I go, with everything I do.
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