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Old 10-09-2011, 08:54 PM   #5
sgirsberger can extract oil from cheesesgirsberger can extract oil from cheesesgirsberger can extract oil from cheesesgirsberger can extract oil from cheesesgirsberger can extract oil from cheesesgirsberger can extract oil from cheesesgirsberger can extract oil from cheesesgirsberger can extract oil from cheese
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Yes, regrettably, as a traditional book designer, I have paragraph styles within my book files that include one style for the first list item, one style for the middle list items, and one for the third list item in any given group of list items. The first list item is generally styled with space above, while the third list item is generally styled with space below. The paragraph style for the middle item(s), which has no space above/below, is routinely the style on which the other two are based, and the body text (<p>) is generally the parent style for the lot.

I do this to avoid local overrides, which would present their own unique problems when ported over to CSS, I’m sure.

It’s difficult to give up old habits, shall1028, but once I get the inheritance concepts in hand, I know I will find it much easier to format across many files. Amazing how my nicely organized styles and files only do about two-thirds of the work upon export from InDesign CS5.5.
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