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Old 09-18-2011, 08:57 AM   #1
a.peter began at the beginning.
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Recipe for german newspaper "Berliner Zeitung"

Hello to everyone,

i've just finished my first recipe for the german newspaper "Berliner Zeitung". Here it is. In case of any trouble feel free to contact me. I'll try to fix any issues as soon as possible.


from import BasicNewsRecipe
import re

class SportsIllustratedRecipe(BasicNewsRecipe) :
    __author__    = 'ape'
    __copyright__ = 'ape'
    __license__   = 'GPL v3'
    language      = 'de'
    description   = 'Berliner Zeitung'
    version       = 3
    title         = u'Berliner Zeitung'
    timefmt       = ' [%d.%m.%Y]' 

    no_stylesheets = True
    remove_javascript = True
    use_embedded_content = False
    publication_type = 'newspaper'
    keep_only_tags = [dict(name='div', attrs={'class':'teaser t_split t_artikel'})]

    INDEX = ''

    def parse_index(self):
        base = ''
        ressorts = []
        articles = {}
        more = 1
        soup = self.index_to_soup(self.INDEX)
        # Get list of links to ressorts from index page
        ressort_list = soup.findAll('ul', attrs={'class': re.compile('ressortlist')})
        for ressort in ressort_list[0].findAll('a'):
            feed_title = ressort.string
            print 'Analyzing', feed_title
            if not articles.has_key(feed_title):
                articles[feed_title] = []
            # Load ressort page.
            feed = self.index_to_soup('' + ressort['href'])
            # find mainbar div which contains the list of all articles
            for article_container in feed.findAll('div', attrs={'class': re.compile('mainbar')}):
                # iterate over all articles
                for article_teaser in article_container.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'teaser'}):
                    # extract the short description of the article
                    description = article_teaser.find('div', attrs={'class':'inner'}).p.contents[0]
                    # extract title of article
                    if article_teaser.h3 != None:
                        article = {'title' : article_teaser.h3.a.string, 'date' : u'', 'url'  : base + article_teaser.h3.a['href'], 'description' : description}
                        # Skip teasers for missing photos
                        if article_teaser.div.p.contents[0].find('Foto:') > -1:
                        article = {'title': 'Weitere Artikel ' + str(more), 'date': u'', 'url': base + article_teaser.div.p.a['href'], 'description': u''}
                        more += 1
        answer = [(ressort, articles[ressort]) for ressort in ressorts if articles.has_key(ressort)]
        # answer structure
        # [('genre1', [{'date': ..., 'url': ..., 'description': ..., 'title': ...},
        #              {'date': ..., 'url': ..., 'description': ..., 'title': ...}]),
        #  ('genre2', [{'date': ..., 'url': ..., 'description': ..., 'title': ...}])]
        # Liste[ Tuple( genre, liste[{artikel},...]), Tuple( genre, liste[{artikel},...])]
        return answer
    def get_masthead_url(self):
        return ''

Last edited by a.peter; 09-22-2011 at 03:28 PM. Reason: Version 3 of recipe
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