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Old 08-12-2011, 12:12 AM   #25
vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.vxf ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by sun surfer View Post
Ah, I've found my comrades-in-arms here! The funny thing is, I googled this problem, and this thread was the first result. I should've just come over to this forum and started looking instead.

So, I've read the thread and have some comments and questions because I still need help. I have a 950, but it sounds like the problem is the same on them all. I am a heavy annotater, and it starts slowing down way too much. Here is my experience:

-I only keep about 10-20 books on my e-reader, so I have no problem with indexing and all that which some of you mentioned.

-I read mostly fiction and I think it's all epub, but even with that, I annotate often.

-I checked my notes section and right now I have 200+ separate "notes"

-Right now, any book I go into annotated or not will at least give a delay of about 3-5 seconds. When the 950 was brand new, I don't remember such a delay (maybe a second or two) but I could be mistaken.

-However, some of you say the annotation becomes slower on all books equally the larger the notes file gets. I am here to say that for me at least, that is definitely not the case. The books with more annotations without a doubt become much slower than other books when annotating. The one I'm reading right now, which I'm only 1/4 of the way through and is rather large, is already at the 15 second mark on each annotation, which is the longest delay I've gotten so far. Hearing some of you say 30 or 60 seconds sounds like a horror story as 15 already seems ridiculous to me. I'm scared to continue on the same way with this particular book for fear of minute plus annotations by the time I get to the end.

So I need help finding a solution. Please keep in mind I'm very much of a tech newbie. Initially, before reading this thread, I was thinking of trying to find a way to split each book into mulptiple separate books so that I'd be onto a new "book" (really section) each time before the annotations got too slow on the one before. I didn't and don't know if that was or is possible or easy enough for me to do though. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

From what I've read here, I have two other possibilities though.

One, I could transfer a book onto my computer. This confuses me, because as I say I'm a tech newbie. If I transfer all the ones I'm done with to my computer only, I'm scared all the annotations may not transfer or erase. Obviously, I haven't tried that at all yet. Is it easy and safe? Is it automatic when I connect my 950 to my computer (the syncing of notes?) or will I somehow have to manually transfer the notes?

Even done, that way will not solve the slowness really, as it seems the main problem resides in each individual book as I'm annotating. So, really I'd have to transfer the notes multiple times while I'm reading a book, leaving them on my computer and erasing them from my 950, to affect the slowness. And all that seems confusing to me at the moment.

A related possibility I read mentioned is that I could somehow just transfer the notes only. It sounds like I can't do this straight to the Reader Library software, so I'd have to save it in a document. But then I read somehow it won't let you do that. I'm confused. And, when consulting my notes, I like to be able to easily go back to the page in the book, and this way sounds like it won't allow me to do that, only transporting the notes.

Two, I could try an SD card. Here is where it will be really obvious I'm a tech newbie: I've never on any kind of device really fooled with an SD card so I don't know the first thing about them. Obviously I don't need it for space on my 950 since I don't even need one hundred books on my ereader at a time, let alone thousands.

So, here's where some very simple questions come in, but to me they are complex. I think there are many kinds of SD cards right? So what kind would I need to buy and how much do they go for? Once I get one and plug it in, what would I do that you guys did to make my annotations run faster? I feel very inclined to try this way if it'll help my annotation speed, but if I try to figure it out on my own, as simple as it may seem to all of you, it would take me a lot longer than probably necessary, so I hope someone here can help!
If you transfer a book using the Reader Library software, it will transfer notes as well. If you then transfer the book again to your device, it will transfer, once more, the notes back.

I know there are ways to sync notes across documents (so you can merge annotations taken on two different devices) but I have never done anything like it. Also, I have never tried exporting a portion of the annotations.

Truth is, I don't think SONY's software is designed to handle the type of problem you seem to be having - a slow-down that is specific to the book, or document, you are handling. I never had that problem either - it was always an 'overall' type of sluggishness, not book-specific.
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