Thread: Touch Kobo with Linux
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Old 07-29-2011, 02:12 AM   #11
Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.Pistos could sell banana peel slippers to a Deveel.
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Canada
Device: Kobo Touch
Okay, so I got my KT a few hours ago. Here are my first impressions.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with it, even though I've not really read more than one page of an actual book. Everything went as advertised. I installed the Kobo software in Windows, did the initial setup, followed instructions, blah blah. All is fine up to this point.

First issue: Before even reading the two pre-loaded "about Kobo" mini books, I went to the settings to start configuring my device (something I like to do with software in general). So I go "Wireless Connection", to try to setup the KT to connect to my network. Clicked EDIT beside "Edit Wireless Connections". Saw that it says that there are no known connections. Well, yeah, obviously. "Okay," I think to myself, "so let's add a connection. Great. Where's the Add button. I see a DELETE button, a greyed out Select All checkbox ... a message about no known networks... an X in the corner ... okay fine, let's just press the X and get out of here." I press and press and smear and smudge and swipe and tap the X ... nothing. At this point, I am not feeling as positively about the device. :P I soon gave up, and used the Home button which, thankfully, brought me home. I went back a couple more times to that same screen, thinking maybe the page froze or had a bug or something, but it was the same each time. Fine. Eventually, I read the tutorial/tour, and the onboard help, and saw that you add connections by going to the Sync area.

Dear Kobo Developers: It seems to me to be Really Bad UI Design not to put a way to add a connection in the actual Settings pages and subpages. You know, the pages that have the words "wireless" and "connection" in them. People might actually think they could add a "wireless" "connection" in those pages. Please fix0r kei thicks buy.

As for that X in the corner: I eventually clued into the fact that about 1 cm from the physical screen edge/border is NOT sensitive to touch at all. Once I figured that, I realized I could click the X or whatever else is near the border by pressing _near_ the X, but within the touch-sensitive area. Fine, I can get used to that. After learning that, I found the touch sensitivity just fine. One tap is almost always enough, and accuracy is pretty good.

Various operations seem to really tax the processor of the unit, though. For example, when typing with the on-screen keyboard, if I typed too fast, some character inputs would not register. This is despite the fact that I could see the visual feedback of the virtual keyboard key being highlighted. I can get used to that, too -- I just have to type slower.

So, besides the above, I like the KT so far. The text is very legible, even if you can discern pixels a little with some letters, and that there is ghosting now and again. Thank you for a nice device.

Now ... onto the software/desktop part of the experience.

I was able to install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) into Linux with Wine (1.3.x). Good. Able to download a DRMed library book into ADE. Good. Able to mount the KT in Linux. Good. Able to map it with winecfg, and see the KT in ADE. Good. Able to authorize/register the KT in ADE. Good. Able to drag the library book to the KT. Good. But .............

After unmounting the KT and unplugging it from the computer, when I went to try to read the library book... BZZT. "Oops, this is a DRM book! You need to blah blah with Adobe first." I go to the KT Settings, go to Account, and see:

SIGNED IN AS: <my Kobo account, good>

So... ADE claims my device is authorized, and it interacted with it, etc. etc. Yet the KT itself doesn't recognize that it is authorized with Adobe.

1.5 hours later, after several deauthorizations and reauthorizations, in Linux and Windows, and even a Factory Reset ... no go. I've filed a ticket with Kobo help, and I hope to receive some answers tomorrow. Rather disappointing, this last obstacle.

The library book opens and reads fine on my laptop, so the text itself is not messed up. I can read non-DRM ePubs just fine, too.

Anyway, if anyone has any tips for me, I'd be interested to hear. I've searched the net, and tried the various tricks, and nothing's working. The only thing I can guess at this point is that my Kobo account email and my Adobe account email need to be the same. I will experiment with that.
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