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Old 06-07-2011, 09:33 AM   #70
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by TimW View Post
I'm not trashing anything. It's not terribly user friendly to lock out most of the onboard memory and make everything in it invisible. It also happens to be the first item requested to change on the "Wishlist for 1.1 Update" on the Nook boards. "At the very least, please add another indicator for available storage so we know how much room we have left for B&N content. The way things are now, we have no idea when we are getting close to reaching the limit.. Since B&N seems to have decided to stick with this partition scheme, please make it possible for us to download all of our B&N content to the NOOK for PC app, even if it can't be opened, so we can create backups of our own. This is quickly becoming a deal breaker for me."
boswd is just a "Nook or nothing" kind of guy and sometimes that clouds his judgment. I agree the partitioning is an issue and since a LOT of folks are complaining it is an important issue.
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