Originally Posted by pkbo
Most probably this is a bug. I will try to find out what is wrong.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to do it. You will have to modify share/cr3/skin/cr3skin.xml file. You need to specify font name in the window element with id="dict" and in menu element with id="dict-list"
<window id="dict" size="100%, 33%">
<background color="#FFFFFF"/>
<border widths="8,8,8,8"/>
<text color="#000000" face="Specify font here" size="26" bold="false" italic="false" valign="center" halign="center"/>
<menu id="dict-list"...>
<text color="#000000" face="Specify font here" size="24" bold="false" italic="true" valign="center" halign="left"/>
Thank you, that's great!
I love how so much is configurable, even if you have to edit an xml file to do it.