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Old 04-20-2011, 12:01 AM   #78
Janette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it isJanette55 knows what time it is
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Ohio
Device: Sony 900
Stickybuns states,

"I have a category on my Kindle labeled "fluff", so I'm certainly not adverse to reading non-classic literature. My sincere apologies if you felt that your tastes were being inadvertently judged!"

No need for you to apologize, I was actually thinking of when I attended a book signing; the room for the authors had accidently been given to another group, lawyers, for a meeting.
When it was stated that the authors had the room first, the person in charge was very nice. Until he learned it was romance authors. He then turned his nose up in the air and made an asinine remark about how he wrote "real" books. Yeah, I've read such books, they do a great job lots of time putting me to sleep!

I like all types, classics, fiction, non-fiction (I've even be known to pick up the dictionary or encylopedia when bored). What "ticks" me off is authors who feel that they are superior becaue they don't write "romance" novels.
S, I wasn't offended.

As for the Giggleton,

"Would you still pay for these books if you could download and read them in their entirety for free? I'm beginning to suspect that for most of our purchases we don't really take into account the origins of the text. Occassionally I do but certainly not for every textual purchase."

If a store was to offer you a free suit, would you seek to contact the designer, those who made the suit, the manager and clerks of the store and offer to pay them?
So, no, if the book was offered to me for free, I would take it. I have attended a weekend retreat with authors and readers (me being a reader) and was given several books for free. I didn't offer to pay for them and even asked them to sign the books for me. They are freely giving the book away, and so I am under no obligation to pay for it.
Now, such places as ManyBooks offer books free, asking for donations, as does Calibre in asking for support. And I have and will give to them, but I do not HAVE to. It is only decent that I do so, but not legally required; morally but not legal.
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