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Old 11-22-2007, 11:26 AM   #18
iLiad Maniac
tribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it istribble knows what time it is
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Originally Posted by msundman View Post
I find 22 seconds utterly unacceptable. I often read only one or two pages (e.g. in the bathroom, in an elevator, etc.) so my whole reading session might be only half a minute. If I have to spend 22s of that just waiting for the device to wake up I wouldn't use it and under no circumstances would I call it fast.
You have not read properly. If you dont want to wait, just keep the CyBook running all the time. The batteries will then last about 5 days when you have it on all the time.

No, it takes about 800ms for me to turn a page on a book. However, when I turn a real page I'm the one doing the page-turning, which means I'm never waiting for anything else....
Uh.. The 133 ms page turn of my QReader is very noticeable.
You will soon fall into the habbit of pressing the next page button just in time to finish reading the page and instantly have the next page ready to read. So its basically like turning a page. But if 133ms page turns are already disturbing your reading experience, you might think differently about this.
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