Thread: Kindle or EPUB?
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:25 PM   #137
LakeLoon has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.LakeLoon has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.LakeLoon has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.LakeLoon has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.
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Originally Posted by Catlady View Post
I personally wouldn't pay a penny more for a different file format.
I'm not sure I would either, but the fact remains that many people are philosophically opposed to, or technically incapable of, breaking DRM to switch platforms. Offering a simple, legal, and inexpensive upgrade path is a no-brainer, to me.

Originally Posted by Catlady View Post
The trade-up I would pay for, though, is from a paperback to a digital file.
I have thought about this a lot. I personally agree, but I have a very hard time seeing how it would be manageable. Some people would buy poor-condition used books super-cheap simply for the upgrade--I probably would. Unless you had to surrender the paper book, the market would suddenly be flooded with cheap used paper books as people decided to keep the ebook and sell/give away the paper one. OTOH, if you have to surrender the paper book, what is going to happen to all the surrendered copies? Collecting and disposing of them is expensive, and it just seems wasteful. You could give them to libraries, but libraries only want/need/have room for so many copies of a given Danielle Steele novel.

However, Amazon is in a position to do something more limited. If you bought a paper book through them, they could conceivably give you a discount on the Kindle version later on. Probably good for Amazon, but for the publisher . . . maybe not so much.
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