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Showing results 1 to 30 of 1149 - Search took 0.14 seconds. E-Book Uploads
Author / E-Book Genre Format Uploader Date Posted Reverse Sort Order Replies Views
1 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer v.1.0 17 Apr 2007 Action LRF LaughingVulcan 04-18-2007 1 17774
1 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: 1601 Humor LRF RWood 05-04-2007 1 13405
1 Attachment(s)Tolstoy, Leo: War and Peace. v1. 12 May 07 LRF HarryT 05-12-2007 5 18157
2 Attachment(s)Tennyson, Lord: Charge of the Light Brigade - 16 May 07 Poetry LRF RWood 05-16-2007 7 11828
2 Attachment(s)Tennyson, Alfred: Idylls of the King - Illus: .v1 .18 May 07 Poetry LRF Dr. Drib 05-18-2007 2 10157
1 Attachment(s)Tepperman, Emile C.: The Manchu Skull. v1. 24 May 07 Mystery and Crime LRF Dr. Drib 05-24-2007 0 7561
1 Attachment(s)Tarkington, Booth: Penrod (and) Penrod and Sam. May 2007 LRF Roy White 05-27-2007 0 8561
1 Attachment(s)Tolstoy, Leo: What Men Live By and Other Tales. May 2007 LRF Roy White 05-28-2007 0 9163
1 Attachment(s)Torrey, Roger: 42 Days For Murder. v1. 10 July 07 Mystery and Crime LRF Dr. Drib 07-10-2007 0 6004
3 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn v1.2 2007-09-22 LRF Nate the great 07-13-2007 13 14896
2 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: Extracts from Adam's Diary v1.1 2007-10-21 LRF Nate the great 07-16-2007 2 7830
2 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: Editorial Wild Oats v1.1 2007-10-21 LRF Nate the great 07-16-2007 1 6746
2 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: A Double Barrelled Detective v1.1 2007-10-21 LRF Nate the great 07-16-2007 1 7378
2 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: Two Short Story Collections v1.0 16 July 2007 Short Fiction LRF Nate the great 07-16-2007 0 8387
1 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: The Amercan Claimant v1.0 16 July 2007 LRF Nate the great 07-16-2007 0 7210
2 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: Goldsmith's Friend Abroad v1.0 31 July 2007 LRF Nate the great 07-31-2007 1 6589
2 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: Sketches New and Old v1.1 31 July 2007 LRF Nate the great 07-31-2007 4 8605
1 Attachment(s)Twain, Mark: Curious Republic of Gondour v1.1 22 September 2007 LRF Nate the great 07-31-2007 6 8247
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: The Warden [Barset 01]. v1. 05 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-05-2007 4 7963
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: Barchester Towers [Barset 02]. v1. 05 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-05-2007 0 6834
2 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: Doctor Thorne [Barset 03]. v1. 05 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-05-2007 1 6570
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: Framley Parsonage [Barset 04]. v1. 05 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-05-2007 0 6156
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: The Small House At Allington [Barset 05]. v1. 05 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-05-2007 0 6560
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: The Last Chronicle of Barset [Barset 06]. v1. 05 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-06-2007 0 6552
1 Attachment(s)Tey, Josephine: Miss Pym Disposes. v1. 14 Aug. 07 Mystery and Crime LRF Dr. Drib 08-14-2007 2 4424
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: The Claverings. v1. 15 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-15-2007 2 6730
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: Can You Forgive Her? [Palliser 01]. v1. 17 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-17-2007 0 6708
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: Phineas Finn [Palliser 02]. v1. 17 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-17-2007 0 6150
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: The Eustace Diamonds [Palliser 03]. v1. 17 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-17-2007 0 5952
1 Attachment(s)Trollope, Anthony: Phineas Redux [Palliser 04]. v1. 17 Aug. 07 Other Fiction LRF Dr. Drib 08-17-2007 0 5717
Showing results 1 to 30 of 1149

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