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Showing results 1 to 30 of 848 - Search took 0.14 seconds. E-Book Uploads
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1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 11: Darwin, Origin of the Species Other Non-Fiction LRF RWood 04-15-2007 3 20621
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 14: Cervantes, Don Quixote, Part 1, v1 Historical Fiction LRF RWood 04-17-2007 2 17663
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 23: Dana, Two Years Before the Mast. v1 Biography LRF RWood 04-28-2007 3 15143
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 12: Plutarch's Lives, v1, 29 Apr 07 Biography LRF RWood 04-29-2007 0 15477
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 13: Virgil's Aeneid. v1, 29 Apr 07 Fantasy LRF RWood 04-29-2007 4 15924
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 22: Homer's Odyssey, v.1, 05 Jan 07 Fantasy LRF RWood 04-30-2007 15 17729
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 43: American Historical Documents. v1 History LRF RWood 05-03-2007 1 14435
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 29: Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle. v1 Biography LRF RWood 05-22-2007 19 14409
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 31: Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. Biography LRF RWood 05-22-2007 2 9458
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, George: Middlemarch. v3, 8 May 2008 Other Fiction LRF HarryT 05-27-2007 3 9263
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 30: Scientific Papers. v1, 30 May 07 Other Non-Fiction LRF RWood 05-30-2007 4 11260
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 33: Voyages & Travels: Ancient & Modern. Fantasy LRF RWood 05-31-2007 1 9220
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 21: Alessandro Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi Historical Fiction LRF RWood 06-02-2007 2 9614
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 02: Plato/Epictetus/&c - v1 - 2 Jun 07 Philosophy LRF RWood 06-02-2007 1 10902
2 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 20: Dante, Divine Comedy. v1, 3 June 07 Spiritual LRF RWood 06-03-2007 5 10262
3 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 10: Smith, Wealth of Nations v2, 5June07 Reference LRF RWood 06-03-2007 9 11768
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 07: Augustine & Kempis. v1, 3 June 07 Spiritual LRF RWood 06-03-2007 1 9682
1 Attachment(s)Eddison, E. R.: The Worm Ouroboros. v1. 05 June 07 Fantasy LRF Dr. Drib 06-05-2007 7 9652
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 34: Descartes/Voltaire/Rousseau/Hobbes Philosophy LRF RWood 06-08-2007 2 9318
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 15: Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress/Walton Spiritual LRF RWood 06-13-2007 6 9566
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 09: Cicero & Pliny. v1, 13 June 07 Philosophy LRF RWood 06-13-2007 0 8357
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 03: Bacon, Milton, Browne,v1, 14 June 07 Short Fiction LRF RWood 06-14-2007 1 9123
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 35: Chronicle & Romance. v1, 14 June 07 Historical Fiction LRF RWood 06-15-2007 3 8989
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 49: Epic & Saga. v1, 15 June 07 Fantasy LRF RWood 06-15-2007 5 19058
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 39: Prefaces & Prologues. v1. 15 June 07 Short Fiction LRF RWood 06-15-2007 1 8760
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 36: Machiavelli/Roper/More/Luther. v1 Philosophy LRF RWood 06-17-2007 1 7898
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 37: Locke/Berkeley/Hume. v1, 17 June 07 Philosophy LRF RWood 06-17-2007 6 9847
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 32: Literary and Philosophical Essays. Short Fiction LRF RWood 06-18-2007 3 8659
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 25: Mill/Carlyle. v1, 18 June 07 Philosophy LRF RWood 06-18-2007 0 10342
1 Attachment(s)Eliot, Charles W. (editor): Harvard Classics 38: Scientific Papers. v1, 19 June 07 Other Non-Fiction LRF RWood 06-19-2007 0 9700
Showing results 1 to 30 of 848

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