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Old 05-12-2011, 11:09 AM   #1
tylau0 began at the beginning.
Posts: 82
Karma: 10
Join Date: Oct 2010
Device: Kindle
A few new and updated recipes (Chinese newspapers)

Congrats on the 0.8.0 release of the Calibre software! I hope its chief developer Kovid has a good vacation.

Would Kovid help putting the recipes below to the next release of Calibre? Thanks.

(Updated) Ming Pao - Hong Kong
__license__   = 'GPL v3'
__copyright__ = '2010-2011, Eddie Lau'

# Users of Kindle 3 with limited system-level CJK support
# please replace the following "True" with "False".
__MakePeriodical__ = True
# Turn below to true if your device supports display of CJK titles
__UseChineseTitle__ = True
# Trun below to true if you wish to use as the main article source
__UseLife__ = True

Change Log:
2011/05/12: switch the main parse source to, which has more photos on the article pages
2011/03/06: add new articles for finance section, also a new section "Columns"
2011/02/28: rearrange the sections
            [Disabled until Kindle has better CJK support and can remember last (section,article) read in Sections & Articles
            View] make it the same title if generating a periodical, so past issue will be automatically put into "Past Issues" 
            folder in Kindle 3
2011/02/20: skip duplicated links in finance section, put photos which may extend a whole page to the back of the articles
            clean up the indentation
2010/12/07: add entertainment section, use newspaper front page as ebook cover, suppress date display in section list
            (to avoid wrong date display in case the user generates the ebook in a time zone different from HKT) 
2010/11/22: add English section, remove eco-news section which is not updated daily, correct
            ordering of articles
2010/11/12: add news image and eco-news section
2010/11/08: add parsing of finance section
2010/11/06: temporary work-around for Kindle device having no capability to display unicode
            in section/article list.
2010/10/31: skip repeated articles in section pages

import os, datetime, time, re
from import BasicNewsRecipe
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from contextlib import nested, closing

from calibre import browser, __appname__, iswindows, strftime, preferred_encoding
from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, CData, Tag
from calibre.ebooks.metadata.opf2 import OPFCreator
from calibre import entity_to_unicode
from calibre.web import Recipe
from calibre.ebooks.metadata.toc import TOC
from calibre.ebooks.metadata import MetaInformation
from calibre.web.feeds import feed_from_xml, templates, feeds_from_index, Feed
from calibre.web.fetch.simple import option_parser as web2disk_option_parser
from calibre.web.fetch.simple import RecursiveFetcher
from calibre.utils.threadpool import WorkRequest, ThreadPool, NoResultsPending
from calibre.ptempfile import PersistentTemporaryFile
from import now as nowf
from calibre.utils.magick.draw import save_cover_data_to, add_borders_to_image
class MPHKRecipe(BasicNewsRecipe):
	title          = 'Ming Pao - Hong Kong'
	oldest_article = 1
	max_articles_per_feed = 100
	__author__            = 'Eddie Lau'
	description           = 'Hong Kong Chinese Newspaper ('
	publisher             = 'MingPao'
	category              = 'Chinese, News, Hong Kong'
	remove_javascript = True
	use_embedded_content   = False
	no_stylesheets = True
	language = 'zh'
	encoding = 'Big5-HKSCS'
	recursions = 0
	conversion_options = {'linearize_tables':True}
	timefmt = ''
	extra_css = 'img {display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;} font>b {font-size:200%; font-weight:bold;}'
	masthead_url = ''
	keep_only_tags = [dict(name='h1'),
                      dict(name='font', attrs={'style':['font-size:14pt; line-height:160%;']}), # for entertainment page title
                      dict(name='font', attrs={'color':['AA0000']}), # for column articles title
                      dict(attrs={'id':['newscontent']}), # entertainment and column page content
                      dict(name='img', attrs={'width':['180'], 'alt':['按圖放大']}) # images for source from
	remove_tags = [dict(name='style'),
    			   dict(attrs={'id':['newscontent135']}),  # for the finance page from
    			   dict(name='table')]  # for content fetched from
	remove_attributes = ['width']
	preprocess_regexps = [
                          (re.compile(r'<h5>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE),
                          lambda match: '<h1>'),
                          (re.compile(r'</h5>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE),
                          lambda match: '</h1>'),
                          (re.compile(r'<p><a href=.+?</a></p>', re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE), # for entertainment page
                          lambda match: ''),
                          # skip <br> after title in fetched article 
                          (re.compile(r"<div id='newscontent'><br>", re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE),  
                          lambda match: "<div id='newscontent'>"),
                          (re.compile(r"<br><br></b>", re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE),  
                          lambda match: "</b>")
	def image_url_processor(cls, baseurl, url):
		# trick: break the url at the first occurance of digit, add an additional
		# '_' at the front
		# not working, may need to move this to preprocess_html() method
#        minIdx = 10000
#        i0 = url.find('0')
#        if i0 >= 0 and i0 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i0
#        i1 = url.find('1')
#        if i1 >= 0 and i1 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i1
#        i2 = url.find('2')
#        if i2 >= 0 and i2 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i2
#        i3 = url.find('3')
#        if i3 >= 0 and i0 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i3
#        i4 = url.find('4')
#        if i4 >= 0 and i4 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i4
#        i5 = url.find('5')
#        if i5 >= 0 and i5 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i5
#        i6 = url.find('6')
#        if i6 >= 0 and i6 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i6
#        i7 = url.find('7')
#        if i7 >= 0 and i7 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i7
#        i8 = url.find('8')
#        if i8 >= 0 and i8 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i8
#        i9 = url.find('9')
#        if i9 >= 0 and i9 < minIdx:
#           minIdx = i9
		return url
	def get_dtlocal(self):
		dt_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
		# convert UTC to local hk time - at around HKT 6.00am, all news are available
		dt_local = dt_utc - datetime.timedelta(-2.0/24)
		return dt_local
	def get_fetchdate(self):
		return self.get_dtlocal().strftime("%Y%m%d")
	def get_fetchformatteddate(self):
		return self.get_dtlocal().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
	def get_fetchday(self):
		dt_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
		# convert UTC to local hk time - at around HKT 6.00am, all news are available
		dt_local = dt_utc - datetime.timedelta(-2.0/24)
		return self.get_dtlocal().strftime("%d")
	def get_cover_url(self):
		cover = '' + self.get_fetchdate() + '/' + self.get_fetchdate() + '_' + self.get_fetchday() + 'gacov.jpg'
		br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser()
			cover = None
		return cover
	def parse_index(self):
		feeds = []
		dateStr = self.get_fetchdate()
		if __UseLife__:
			for title, url, keystr in [(u'\u8981\u805e Headline', '' + dateStr + '&Category=nalga', 'nal'), 
				                       (u'\u6e2f\u805e Local', '' + dateStr + '&Category=nalgb', 'nal'), 
				                       (u'\u6559\u80b2 Education', '' + dateStr + '&Category=nalgf', 'nal'),
				                       (u'\u793e\u8a55/\u7b46\u9663 Editorial', '' + dateStr +'&Category=nalmr', 'nal'),
				                       (u'\u8ad6\u58c7 Forum', '' + dateStr +'&Category=nalfa', 'nal'), 
				                       (u'\u4e2d\u570b China', '' + dateStr +'&Category=nalca', 'nal'), 
				                       (u'\u570b\u969b World', '' + dateStr +'&Category=nalta', 'nal'),
				                       (u'\u7d93\u6fdf Finance', '' + dateStr + '&Category=nalea', 'nal'),
				                       (u'\u9ad4\u80b2 Sport', '' + dateStr + '&Category=nalsp', 'nal'),
				                       (u'\u5f71\u8996 Film/TV', '' + dateStr + '&Category=nalma', 'nal'),
				                       (u'\u5c08\u6b04 Columns', '' + dateStr +'&Category=ncolumn', 'ncl')]:
				articles = self.parse_section2(url, keystr)
				if articles:
					feeds.append((title, articles))
			for title, url in [(u'\u526f\u520a Supplement', '' + dateStr + '/jaindex.htm'),
		                       (u'\u82f1\u6587 English', '' + dateStr + '/emindex.htm')]:
				articles = self.parse_section(url)
				if articles:
					feeds.append((title, articles))
			for title, url in [(u'\u8981\u805e Headline', '' + dateStr + '/gaindex.htm'), 
				               (u'\u6e2f\u805e Local', '' + dateStr + '/gbindex.htm'), 
				               (u'\u6559\u80b2 Education', '' + dateStr + '/gfindex.htm')]:
				articles = self.parse_section(url)
				if articles:
					feeds.append((title, articles))

			# special- editorial
			ed_articles = self.parse_ed_section('' + dateStr +'&Category=nalmr')
			if ed_articles:
				feeds.append((u'\u793e\u8a55/\u7b46\u9663 Editorial', ed_articles))
			for title, url in [(u'\u8ad6\u58c7 Forum', '' + dateStr + '/faindex.htm'), 
		                       (u'\u4e2d\u570b China', '' + dateStr + '/caindex.htm'), 
		                       (u'\u570b\u969b World', '' + dateStr + '/taindex.htm')]:
				articles = self.parse_section(url)
				if articles:
					feeds.append((title, articles))
			# special - finance
			#fin_articles = self.parse_fin_section('' + dateStr + '/News/ea,eb,ecindex.htm')
			fin_articles = self.parse_fin_section('' + dateStr + '&Category=nalea')
			if fin_articles:
				feeds.append((u'\u7d93\u6fdf Finance', fin_articles))
			for title, url in [('Tech News', '' + dateStr + '/naindex.htm'), 
		                       (u'\u9ad4\u80b2 Sport', '' + dateStr + '/spindex.htm')]:
				articles = self.parse_section(url)
				if articles:
					feeds.append((title, articles))
			# special - entertainment
			ent_articles = self.parse_ent_section('')
			if ent_articles:
				feeds.append((u'\u5f71\u8996 Film/TV', ent_articles))
			for title, url in [(u'\u526f\u520a Supplement', '' + dateStr + '/jaindex.htm'),
		                       (u'\u82f1\u6587 English', '' + dateStr + '/emindex.htm')]:
				articles = self.parse_section(url)
				if articles:
					feeds.append((title, articles))
			# special- columns
			col_articles = self.parse_col_section('' + dateStr +'&Category=ncolumn')
			if col_articles:
				feeds.append((u'\u5c08\u6b04 Columns', col_articles))
		return feeds

	# parse from   
	def parse_section(self, url):
		dateStr = self.get_fetchdate()
		soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
		divs = soup.findAll(attrs={'class': ['bullet','bullet_grey']})
		current_articles = []
		included_urls = []
		for i in divs:
			a = i.find('a', href = True)
			title = self.tag_to_string(a)
			url = a.get('href', False)
			url = '' + dateStr + '/' +url
			if url not in included_urls and url.rfind('Redirect') == -1: 
				current_articles.append({'title': title, 'url': url, 'description':'', 'date':''})
		return current_articles

	# parse from
	def parse_section2(self, url, keystr):
		dateStr = self.get_fetchdate()
		soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
		a = soup.findAll('a', href=True)
		current_articles = []
		included_urls = []
		for i in a:
			title = self.tag_to_string(i)
			url = '' + i.get('href', False)
			if (url not in included_urls) and (not url.rfind('.txt') == -1) and (not url.rfind(keystr) == -1):
				current_articles.append({'title': title, 'url': url, 'description': ''})
		return current_articles
	def parse_ed_section(self, url):
		dateStr = self.get_fetchdate()
		soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
		a = soup.findAll('a', href=True)
		current_articles = []
		included_urls = []
		for i in a:
			title = self.tag_to_string(i)
			url = '' + i.get('href', False)
			if (url not in included_urls) and (not url.rfind('.txt') == -1) and (not url.rfind('nal') == -1):
				current_articles.append({'title': title, 'url': url, 'description': ''})
		return current_articles
	def parse_fin_section(self, url):
		dateStr = self.get_fetchdate()
		soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
		a = soup.findAll('a', href= True)
		current_articles = []
		included_urls = []
		for i in a:
			#url = '' + i.get('href', False)
			url = '' + i.get('href', False)
			#if url not in included_urls and not url.rfind(dateStr) == -1 and url.rfind('index') == -1:
			if url not in included_urls and (not url.rfind('txt') == -1) and (not url.rfind('nal') == -1):
				title = self.tag_to_string(i)
				current_articles.append({'title': title, 'url': url, 'description':''})
		return current_articles
	def parse_ent_section(self, url):
		dateStr = self.get_fetchdate()
		soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
		a = soup.findAll('a', href=True)
		current_articles = []
		included_urls = []
		for i in a:
			title = self.tag_to_string(i)
			url = '' + i.get('href', False)
			if (url not in included_urls) and (not url.rfind('.txt') == -1) and (not url.rfind('star') == -1):
				current_articles.append({'title': title, 'url': url, 'description': ''})
		return current_articles
	def parse_col_section(self, url):
		dateStr = self.get_fetchdate()
		soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
		a = soup.findAll('a', href=True)
		current_articles = []
		included_urls = []
		for i in a:
			title = self.tag_to_string(i)
			url = '' + i.get('href', False)
			if (url not in included_urls) and (not url.rfind('.txt') == -1) and (not url.rfind('ncl') == -1):
				current_articles.append({'title': title, 'url': url, 'description': ''})
		return current_articles
	def preprocess_html(self, soup):
		for item in soup.findAll(style=True):
			del item['style']
		for item in soup.findAll(style=True):
			del item['width']
		for item in soup.findAll(stype=True):
			del item['absmiddle']
		return soup
	def create_opf(self, feeds, dir=None):
		if dir is None:
			dir = self.output_dir
		if __UseChineseTitle__ == True:
			title = u'\u660e\u5831 (\u9999\u6e2f)'
			title = self.short_title()
		# if not generating a periodical, force date to apply in title
		if __MakePeriodical__ == False:
			title = title + ' ' + self.get_fetchformatteddate()
		if True:
			mi = MetaInformation(title, [self.publisher])
			mi.publisher = self.publisher
			mi.author_sort = self.publisher
			if __MakePeriodical__ == True:
				mi.publication_type = 'periodical:'+self.publication_type+':'+self.short_title()
				mi.publication_type = self.publication_type+':'+self.short_title()
			#mi.timestamp = nowf()
			mi.timestamp = self.get_dtlocal()
			mi.comments = self.description
			if not isinstance(mi.comments, unicode):
				mi.comments = mi.comments.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
			#mi.pubdate = nowf()
			mi.pubdate = self.get_dtlocal()
			opf_path = os.path.join(dir, 'index.opf')
			ncx_path = os.path.join(dir, 'index.ncx')
			opf = OPFCreator(dir, mi)
			# Add mastheadImage entry to <guide> section
			mp = getattr(self, 'masthead_path', None)
			if mp is not None and os.access(mp, os.R_OK):
				from calibre.ebooks.metadata.opf2 import Guide
				ref = Guide.Reference(os.path.basename(self.masthead_path), os.getcwdu())
				ref.type = 'masthead'
				ref.title = 'Masthead Image'

			manifest = [os.path.join(dir, 'feed_%d'%i) for i in range(len(feeds))]
			manifest.append(os.path.join(dir, 'index.html'))
			manifest.append(os.path.join(dir, 'index.ncx'))
			# Get cover
			cpath = getattr(self, 'cover_path', None)
			if cpath is None:
				pf = open(os.path.join(dir, 'cover.jpg'), 'wb')
				if self.default_cover(pf):
					cpath =
			if cpath is not None and os.access(cpath, os.R_OK):
				opf.cover = cpath

			# Get masthead
			mpath = getattr(self, 'masthead_path', None)
			if mpath is not None and os.access(mpath, os.R_OK):

			for mani in opf.manifest:
				if mani.path.endswith('.ncx'): = 'ncx'
				if mani.path.endswith('mastheadImage.jpg'): = 'masthead-image'
			entries = ['index.html']
			toc = TOC(base_path=dir)
			self.play_order_counter = 0
			self.play_order_map = {}
		def feed_index(num, parent):
			f = feeds[num]
			for j, a in enumerate(f):
				if getattr(a, 'downloaded', False):
					adir = 'feed_%d/article_%d/'%(num, j)
					auth =
					if not auth:
						auth = None
					desc = a.text_summary
					if not desc:
						desc = None
						desc = self.description_limiter(desc)
					po = self.play_order_map.get(entries[-1], None)
					if po is None:
						self.play_order_counter += 1
						po = self.play_order_counter
					parent.add_item('%sindex.html'%adir, None, a.title if a.title else _('Untitled Article'),
                                    play_order=po, author=auth, description=desc)
					last = os.path.join(self.output_dir, ('%sindex.html'%adir).replace('/', os.sep))
					for sp in a.sub_pages:
						prefix = os.path.commonprefix([opf_path, sp])
						relp = sp[len(prefix):]
						entries.append(relp.replace(os.sep, '/'))
						last = sp

					if os.path.exists(last):
						with open(last, 'rb') as fi:
							src ='utf-8')
						soup = BeautifulSoup(src)
						body = soup.find('body')
						if body is not None:
							prefix = '/'.join('..'for i in range(2*len(re.findall(r'link\d+', last))))
							templ = self.navbar.generate(True, num, j, len(f),
                                            not self.has_single_feed,
                                            a.orig_url, self.publisher, prefix=prefix,
							elem = BeautifulSoup(templ.render(doctype='xhtml').decode('utf-8')).find('div')
							body.insert(len(body.contents), elem)
							with open(last, 'wb') as fi:
		if len(feeds) == 0:
			raise Exception('All feeds are empty, aborting.')

		if len(feeds) > 1:
			for i, f in enumerate(feeds):
				po = self.play_order_map.get(entries[-1], None)
				if po is None:
					self.play_order_counter += 1
					po = self.play_order_counter
				auth = getattr(f, 'author', None)
				if not auth:
					auth = None
				desc = getattr(f, 'description', None)
				if not desc:
					desc = None
				feed_index(i, toc.add_item('feed_%d/index.html'%i, None,
                           f.title, play_order=po, description=desc, author=auth))

			feed_index(0, toc)

		for i, p in enumerate(entries):
			entries[i] = os.path.join(dir, p.replace('/', os.sep))

		with nested(open(opf_path, 'wb'), open(ncx_path, 'wb')) as (opf_file, ncx_file):
			opf.render(opf_file, ncx_file)
New: China Times (Taiwan)
__license__   = 'GPL v3' 
# dug from

class AdvancedUserRecipe1277443634(BasicNewsRecipe):
	title = u'中時電子報'
	oldest_article = 1
	max_articles_per_feed = 100

	feeds = [(u'焦點', u''),
	         (u'政治', u''),
	         (u'社會', u''),
	         (u'國際', u''),
	         (u'兩岸', u''),
	         (u'地方', u''),
	         (u'言論', u''),
	         (u'科技', u''),
	         (u'運動', u''),
	         (u'藝文', u''),
	         #(u'旺報', u''),
	         #(u'財經', u''),  # broken links 
	         #(u'股市', u'')  # broken links

	__author__ = 'einstuerzende, updated by Eddie Lau'
	__version__ = '1.0'
	language = 'zh-TW'
	publisher = 'China Times Group'
	description = 'China Times (Taiwan)'
	category = 'News, Chinese, Taiwan'
	remove_javascript = True
	use_embedded_content = False
	no_stylesheets = True
	encoding = 'big5'
	conversion_options = {'linearize_tables':True}
	masthead_url = ''
	cover_url = ''
	keep_only_tags = [dict(name='div', attrs={'class':['articlebox','articlebox clearfix']})]
	remove_tags = [dict(name='div', attrs={'class':['focus-news']})]
New: United Daily (Taiwan)
__license__   = 'GPL v3'

class UnitedDaily(BasicNewsRecipe):
	title = u'聯合新聞網'
	oldest_article = 1
	max_articles_per_feed = 100

	feeds = [(u'焦點', u''),
	         (u'政治', u''),
	         (u'社會', u''),
	         (u'生活', u''),
	         (u'綜合', u''),
	         (u'意見評論', u''),
	         (u'大台北', u''),
	         (u'桃竹苗', u''),
	         (u'中彰投', u''),
	         (u'雲嘉南', u''),
	         (u'高屏離島', u''),
	         (u'基宜花東', u''),
	         (u'台灣百寶鄉', u''),
	         (u'兩岸要聞', u''),
	         (u'國際焦點', u''),
	         (u'台商經貿', u''),
	         (u'國際財經', u''),
	         (u'財經焦點', u''),
	         (u'股市要聞', u''),
	         (u'股市快訊', u''),
	         (u'稅務法務', u''),
	         (u'房市情報', u''),
	         (u'棒球', u''),
	         (u'籃球', u''),
	         (u'體壇動態', u''),
	         (u'熱門星聞', u''),
	         (u'廣電港陸', u''),
	         (u'海外星球', u''),
	         (u'日韓星情', u''),
	         (u'電影世界', u''),
	         (u'流行音樂', u''),
	         (u'觀點專題', u''),
	         (u'食樂指南', u''),
	         (u'折扣好康', u''),
	         (u'醫藥新聞', u''),
	         (u'家婦繽紛', u''),
	         (u'談星論命', u''),
	         (u'文化副刊', u''),
	extra_css = '''div[id='story_title'] {font-size:200%; font-weight:bold;}'''
	__author__ = 'Eddie Lau'
	__version__ = '1.0'
	language = 'zh-TW'
	publisher = 'United Daily News Group'
	description = 'United Daily (Taiwan)'
	category = 'News, Chinese, Taiwan'
	remove_javascript = True
	use_embedded_content = False
	no_stylesheets = True
	encoding = 'big5'
	conversion_options = {'linearize_tables':True}
	masthead_url = ''
	cover_url = ''
	keep_only_tags = [dict(name='div', attrs={'id':['story_title','story_author', 'story']})]
	remove_tags = [dict(name='div', attrs={'id':['mvouter']})]
New: Liberty Times (Taiwan)
__license__   = 'GPL v3'
# dug from

class AdvancedUserRecipe1277443634(BasicNewsRecipe):
	title = u'自由電子報'
	oldest_article = 1
	max_articles_per_feed = 100

	feeds = [(u'焦點新聞', u''),
                  (u'政治新聞', u''),
                  (u'生活新聞', u''),
                  (u'國際新聞', u''),
                  (u'自由廣場', u''),
                  (u'社會新聞', u''),
                  (u'體育新聞', u''),
                  (u'財經焦點', u''),
                  (u'證券理財', u''),
                  (u'影視焦點', u''),
                  (u'北部新聞', u''),
                  (u'中部新聞', u''),
                  (u'南部新聞', u''),
                  (u'大台北新聞', u''),
                  (u'藝術文化', u''),
	extra_css = '''span[class='insubject1'][id='newtitle'] {font-size:200%; font-weight:bold;}'''
	__author__ = 'einstuerzende, updated by Eddie Lau'
	__version__ = '1.1'
	language = 'zh-HANT'
	publisher = 'Liberty Times Group'
	description = 'Liberty Times (Taiwan)'
	category = 'News, Chinese, Taiwan'
	remove_javascript = True
	use_embedded_content = False
	no_stylesheets = True
	encoding = 'big5'
	conversion_options = {'linearize_tables':True}
	masthead_url = ''
	cover_url = ''
	keep_only_tags = [dict(name='td', attrs={'id':['newsContent']})]

Last edited by tylau0; 05-12-2011 at 01:51 PM.
tylau0 is offline   Reply With Quote

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