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Old 07-12-2009, 02:39 AM   #1
rogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-books
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Lightbulb Here for You!: NoteTab Clip Library and Example eBook

I've been working on an xHTML microformat in this thread over here and concurrently working on a set of macros to help format a source TXT or HTML file into it. I prefer to work on the source HTML directly -- no WYSIWYG or Microsoft Word (ack!) I like to keep my sources clear and human readable.

The macros are for the NoteTab text editor. Macros in NoteTab are called Clips. If you don't know NoteTab, you can download it here. Take a look around the site for more info -- and there are at least two useful Yahoo groups for users and Clip-writers.

The basic thing to know is that NoteTab has a side-bar that allows you to double-click on Clips, processing text, running apps, preset search/replace, creating templates, documents, whatever. It has an insanely powerful scripting language, but I find it easily comprehensible -- you'll be writing them yourself in no time. Literally anything that you can do manually, you can script somehow.

What I've attached here are a set of Clip libraries and a basic eBook (which still needs CSS) that I created using the libraries.

There are four libraries, an INI file, a storage folder and a Clipbar (and the BMP files for the Clipbar. Clipbars are not available in NoteTab Light, BTW.) Extract the contents of the zip directly into your Libraries folder; that folder is either under the NoteTab program directory, or under the Application Data folder (depending on how you install it -- read the help file or check out the site. Personally, I prefer to keep it all under NoteTab.)

The libraries:

xBookMeta deals with the project-level stuff like storage locations, icon themes, project metadata, etc. It will move projects to proper folders when metadata changes, etc. It has a Clipbar, as you need to use it, but don't need it to be in the way of your workflow. It is the master Clip-library.

xBookSpine builds the eBook and contains most of the tools you need to lay out a book with good structure.

xBookEdit has some tools to deal with formatting text, more on a sentence/paragraph level. It includes character entities, etc.

xBookClean has some macros to clean up the project text to make the source (or the project itself) readable, or to convert tags, or select/copy text. Kind of a catch-all, there is more possible here than currently developed.

When first opened, the Clips will want to set up a destination Library folder where you will keep all your projects. And they will do some basic setup.

Projects are stored as:
AuthorLastName_FirstName_MiddleNamesOrInitials\[Series]\[SeriesNumber_]Title_Of_Book\TitleOfBook.html (NoteTab will keep a backup there, too, if you have backups enabled.)

All images are in an \images sub-folder, all sounds in a \sounds sub-folder.

The first project is always a record of all your projects -- you cannot (and should not) edit it, as it is used by the Clips. Don't mess with the xBookList! But look at it all you like.

Basic workflow:

0) Determine the project. The Clips assume a project oriented work process. (ie: each book is a project.)

1) Assemble the metadata and things like cover image, frontispiece image (optional), series list, author bio, etc. Once you know that...

2)Run the New Project Clip in the xBookMeta library.. It'll ask for metadata and a source file. Once you've answered that to your satisfaction, it will make a project folder in your chosen library folder and copy all the parts of the book there as you edit. Your original source files remain untouched.

3) Just work your way down the first section of the xBookSpine Clip-library. There are only six required parts to an xBook: Head/Tail, Cover, Title Page, Verso, Table of Contents and Colophon.

4) Be smart! I've added a bunch of sanity checks, but I can't think of everything -- you have to understand how to code a basic HTML page to use this effectively.

5) Start a new project and repeat. You can return to an old project at any time, or delete a project, etc.

That's basically it. It has a lot of quirks, and a lot of bugs I'm sure. But you can take a basic text and have a clean, consistent, source-legible eBook in well under an hour. And you can open it later for editing, and it should Just Work...

If anyone reads the xBook microformat thread, , you'll see that it has a basic Spine and Body layout; that is, there is a series of divs that make up the throughline of the book (all with class="Spine") and the content of the book is contained a separate type of divs (class="Body"). This should allow for interesting typographical changes via simple CSS modification.

I think I've added just enough classes and ids to make everything available to be modified easily.

Table of Contents is, as always, the hardest part. I've included Parts in the current spec, but not the Section and Sub-Section headings. I can imagine such being useful, and I'm willing to take suggestions on how to handle it. Writing Clips to create the TOC as you edit is pretty complex -- I've done it for the other tables, but they are simpler (just having book Parts makes the link-checking much more difficult, never mind adding Sections and Sub-Sections. TOC still needs to include the other pieces of the books, too, I think (Foreword, Afterword, About the Author, etc.)

It might be easier to generate the TOC after the entire book is edited...

There is a lot more than I've mentioned here -- it is actually the third library of Clips that I've written to do this, evolving from a specifically REB1100 set that I developed over years. There are dozens of sophisticated (well, complex) Clips, that range from formatting to database-upkeep. It even has a popup eBook project viewer!

I'm open to suggestions and help! If people use it, I'll write a better description of each Clip library.

Oh, and if you would like to whip up a good CSS for the attached ebook, that would help a lot -- I'm going to write a set of macros for doing that, too, once I've got a handle on it.

m a r
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File Type: zip (206.3 KB, 630 views)
File Type: zip (1.13 MB, 782 views)
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Old 07-22-2009, 06:04 AM   #2
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Updated Clip Library

I see that a few bravos downloaded the clips. I've been continuing to work on them, and I've added another library -- xBookCSS. It doesn't do much right now, except call a basic CSS template (to be installed to your Libraries/xBook sub-folder under NoteTab, NOT the Template folder.)

I've put the files in appropriate folders, so you should just need to extract it all to your NoteTab/Libraries directory and let it overwrite -- unless you're not using the NoteTab directory to store everything. You'll have to find out where your Libraries folder is and move the files from the zip to there. Should be under Application Data somewhere. It won't overwrite your INI file.

Add the following to your INI file, though, if it isn't there already:
FullColorList=alice blue^=#f0f8ff|antique white^=#faebd7|aqua^=#00ffff|aquamarine^=#7fffd4|azure^=#f0ffff|beige^=#f5f5dc|bisque^=#ffe4c4|black^=#000000|blanched almond^=#ffebcd|blue^=#0000ff|blue violet^=#8a2be2|brown^=#a52a2a|burlywood^=#deb887|cadet blue^=#5f9ea0|chartreuse^=#7fff00|chocolate^=#d2691e|coral^=#ff7f50|cornflower blue^=#6495ed|cornsilk^=#fff8dc|crimson^=#dc143c|cyan^=#00ffff|dark blue^=#00008b|darkcyan^=#008b8b|dark goldenrod^=#b8860b|dark green^=#006400|dark grey^=#a9a9a9|dark khaki^=#bdb76b|dark magenta^=#8b008b|dark olive green^=#556b2f|dark orange^=#ff8c00|dark orchid^=#9932cc|dark red^=#8b0000|dark salmon^=#e9967a|dark sea green^=#8fbc8f|dark slate blue^=#483d8b|dark slate grey^=#2f4f4f|dark turquoise^=#00ced1|dark violet^=#9400d3|deep pink^=#ff1493|deep sky blue^=#00bfff|dim grey^=#696969|dodger blue^=#1e90ff|firebrick^=#b22222|floral white^=#fffaf0|forest green^=#228b22|fuchsia^=#ff00ff|gainsboro^=#dcdcdc|ghost white^=#f8f8ff|gold^=#ffd700|goldenrod^=#daa520|green^=#008000|green yellow^=#adff2f|grey^=#808080|honeydew^=#f0fff0|hot pink^=#ff69b4|indian red^=#cd5c5c|indigo^=#4b0082|ivory^=#fffff0|khaki^=#f0e68c|lavender^=#e6e6fa|lavender blush^=#fff0f5|lawn green^=#7cfc00|lemon chiffon^=#fffacd|light blue^=#add8e6|light coral^=#f08080|light cyan^=#e0ffff|light goldenrod yellow^=#fafad2|light green^=#90ee90|light grey^=#d3d3d3|light pink^=#ffb6c1|light salmon^=#ffa07a|light sea green^=#20b2aa|light sky blue^=#87cefa|light slate grey^=#778899|light steel blue^=#b0c4de|light yellow^=#ffffe0|lime^=#00ff00|lime green^=#32cd32|linen^=#faf0e6|magenta^=#ff00ff|maroon^=#800000|medium aquamarine^=#66cdaa|medium blue^=#0000cd|medium orchid^=#ba55d3|medium purple^=#9370db|medium seagreen^=#3cb371|medium slate blue^=#7b68ee|medium spring green^=#00fa9a|medium turquoise^=#48d1cc|medium violet red^=#c71585|midnight blue^=#191970|mint cream^=#f5fffa|misty rose^=#ffe4e1|moccasin^=#ffe4b5|navajo white^=#ffdead|navy^=#000080|old lace^=#fdf5e6|olive^=#808000|olive drab^=#6b8e23|orange^=#ffa500|orange red^=#ff4500|orchid^=#da70d6|pale goldenrod^=#eee8aa|pale green^=#98fb98|pale turquoise^=#afeeee|pale violet red^=#db7093|papaya whip^=#ffefd5|peach puff^=#ffdab9|peru^=#cd853f|pink^=#ffc0cb|plum^=#dda0dd|powder blue^=#b0e0e6|purple^=#800080|red^=#ff0000|rosy brown^=#bc8f8f|royal blue^=#4169e1|saddle brown^=#8b4513|salmon^=#fa8072|sandy brown^=#f4a460|sea green^=#2e8b57|seashell^=#fff5ee|sienna^=#a0522d|silver^=#c0c0c0|sky blue^=#87ceeb|slate blue^=#6a5acd|slate grey^=#708090|snow^=#fffafa|spring green^=#00ff7f|steel blue^=#4682b4|tan^=#d2b48c|teal^=#008080|thistle^=#d8bfd8|tomato^=#ff6347|turquoise^=#40e0d0|violet^=#ee82ee|wheat^=#f5deb3|white^=#ffffff|white smoke^=#f5f5f5|yellow^=#ffff00|yellow green^=#9acd32
SafeColorList=aquamarine^=#66ffcc|beige^=#ffffcc|black^=#000000|blue violet^=#9933ff|blue^=#0000ff|brown^=#993333|cadet blue^=#669999|chocolate^=#cc6633|coral^=#ff6666|cornflower blue^=#6699ff|crimson^=#cc0033|cyan^=#00ffff|dark blue^=#000099|dark cyan^=#009999|dark goldenrod^=#cc9900|dark green^=#006600|dark khaki^=#cccc66|dark olive green^=#666633|dark orchid^=#9933cc|dark red^=#990000|dark sea green^=#99cc99|dark slate blue^=#333399|dark slate gray^=#336666|dark turquoise^=#00cccc|dark violet^=#9900cc|deep pink^=#ff0099|deep sky blue^=#00ccff|dim gray^=#666666|dodger blue^=#3399ff|forest green^=#339933|gold^=#ffcc00|goldenrod^=#cc9933|gray^=#999999|green yellow^=#99ff33|green^=#009900|hot pink^=#ff66cc|indian red^=#cc6666|indigo^=#330099|lawn green^=#66ff00|light blue^=#99ccff|light coral^=#ff9999|light cyan^=#ccffff|light green^=#99ff99|light sea green^=#339999|light steel blue^=#99cccc|lime green^=#33cc33|lime^=#00ff00|magenta^=#ff00ff|medium aquamarine^=#66cc99|medium blue^=#0000cc|medium purple^=#9966cc|medium sea green^=#33cc66|medium slate blue^=#6666ff|medium spring green^=#00ff99|medium violet red^=#cc0066|midnight blue^=#000066|misty rose^=#ffccff|navajo white^=#ffcc99|olive drab^=#669933|olive^=#999900|orange red^=#ff3300|orange^=#ff9900|orchid^=#cc66cc|pale goldenrod^=#ffff99|pale turquoise^=#99ffff|pale violet red^=#cc6699|pink^=#ffcccc|plum^=#cc99cc|powder blue^=#ccccff|purple^=#990099|red^=#ff0000|rosy brown^=#cc9999|royal blue^=#3366cc|saddle brown^=#993300|sandy brown^=#ff9966|sea green^=#339966|sienna^=#996633|silver^=#cccccc|slate blue^=#6666cc|spring green^=#00ff66|steel blue^=#3399cc|tan^=#cccc99|tomato^=#ff6633|turquoise^=#33cccc|violet^=#ff99ff|white^=#ffffff|yellow green^=#99cc33|yellow^=#ffff00
Right now, one of the CSS clips uses that, but I expect more clips will in the future-- or at least that one clip will grow more sophisticated.

If for some reason you need a reset on your INI, or if something just seems broken, here is a clean, default INI:

FileSource="xBook NoteTab Clip Library"
FileComment="This file is automatically created and updated by the xBook Clip Library."
Description="An auto-generated list of eBooks created with the xBook Notetab Clip Library."
PublicationCity="Los Internets"
CopyrightLicense="Creative Commons"



Library="Choose a folder to store your eBook Projects"
RawSources="Choose a folder to begin search for unedited books"





LicenseList="|CopyLeft|Creative Commons|None|Open Source|Public Domain|Unknown|_Copyrighted|"

VersionList=0.10 :: Initial Conversion^=0.10|0.20 :: Cover and Frontispiece^=0.20|0.30 :: Sections, Chapters and TOC^=0.30|0.40 :: Endnotes and/or Blockquotes^=0.40|0.50 :: Initial Spellcheck^=0.50|0.60 :: M-Dashes, Hyphens and Ellipses^=0.60|0.70 :: Italics, Bold, and Pre-Formatted Text^=0.70|0.80 :: Reading Proof^=0.80|0.90 :: Checked Against Canonical Source^=0.90|1.00 :: Final Version = Optimal^=1.00|


GenreList="_|Action & Adventure|Biographical|Business::Management|Classics|Coming of Age|Contemporary Women|Erotica|Espionage|Fairy Tales|Family Life|Fantasy::Anthology|Fantasy::Contemporary|Fantasy::Epic|Fantasy::General|Fantasy::Historical|Fantasy::Short Stories|Folklore|Gay|General::Anthology|General::Novel|General::Short Stories|Ghost|Historical|Horror|Humorous|Legal|Lesbian|Literary|Media Tie-In|Medical|Men's Adventure|Mystery & Detective::General|Mystery & Detective::Hard-Boiled|Mystery & Detective::Historical|Mystery & Detective::Police Procedural|Mystery & Detective::Short Stories|Mystery & Detective::Traditional British|Mystery & Detective::Women Sleuths|Mythology|Occult|Political|Psychological|Reference|Religious|Romance::Adult|Romance::Anthology|Romance::Contemporary|Romance::Fantasy|Romance::General|Romance::Gothic|Romance::Historical|Romance::Paranormal|Romance::Regency|Romance::Short Stories|Romance::Suspense|Romance::Time Travel|Romance::Western|Sagas|Science Fiction::Adventure|Science Fiction::Alternative History|Science Fiction::Anthology|Science Fiction::General|Science Fiction::High Tech|Science Fiction::Short Stories|Science Fiction::Space Opera|Sea Stories|Self-Improvement|Sports|Suspense|Technological|Thrillers|Urban Life|Visionary & Metaphysical|War & Military|Westerns"

LanguageCodes="|aa (Afar)|ab (Abkhazian)|af (Afrikaans)|am (Amharic)|ar (Arabic)|as (Assamese)|ay (Aymara)|az (Azerbaijani)|ba (Bashkir)|be (Byelorussian)|bg (Bulgarian)|bh (Bihari)|bi (Bislama)|bn (Bengali; Bangla)|bo (Tibetan)|br (Breton)|ca (Catalan)|co (Corsican)|cs (Czech)|cy (Welsh)|da (Danish)|de (German)|dz (Bhutani)|el (Greek)|_en (English)|eo (Esperanto)|es (Spanish)|et (Estonian)|eu (Basque)|fa (Persian)|fi (Finnish)|fj (Fiji)|fo (Faeroese)|fr (French)|fy (Frisian)|ga (Irish)|gd (Scots Gaelic)|gl (Galician)|gn (Guarani)|gu (Gujarati)|ha (Hausa)|hi (Hindi)|hr (Croatian)|hu (Hungarian)|hy (Armenian)|ia (Interlingua)|ie (Interlingue)|ik (Inupiak)|in (Indonesian)|is (Icelandic)|it (Italian)|iw (Hebrew)|ja (Japanese)|ji (Yiddish)|jw (Javanese)|ka (Georgian)|kk (Kazakh)|kl (Greenlandic)|km (Cambodian)|kn (Kannada)|ko (Korean)|ks (Kashmiri)|ku (Kurdish)|ky (Kirghiz)|la (Latin)|ln (Lingala)|lo (Laothian)|lt (Lithuanian)|lv (Latvian, Lettish)|mg (Malagasy)|mi (Maori)|mk (Macedonian)|ml (Malayalam)|mn (Mongolian)|mo (Moldavian)|mr (Marathi)|ms (Malay)|mt (Maltese)|my (Burmese)|na (Nauru)|ne (Nepali)|nl (Dutch)|no (Norwegian)|oc (Occitan)|om ((Afan) Oromo)|or (Oriya)|pa (Punjabi)|pl (Polish)|ps (Pashto, Pushto)|pt (Portuguese)|qu (Quechua)|rm (Rhaeto-Romance)|rn (Kirundi)|ro (Romanian)|ru (Russian)|rw (Kinyarwanda)|sa (Sanskrit)|sd (Sindhi)|sg (Sangro)|sh (Serbo-Croatian)|si (Singhalese)|sk (Slovak)|sl (Slovenian)|sm (Samoan)|sn (Shona)|so (Somali)|sq (Albanian)|sr (Serbian)|ss (Siswati)|st (Sesotho)|su (Sundanese)|sv (Swedish)|sw (Swahili)|ta (Tamil)|te (Tegulu)|tg (Tajik)|th (Thai)|ti (Tigrinya)|tk (Turkmen)|tl (Tagalog)|tn (Setswana)|to (Tonga)|tr (Turkish)|ts (Tsonga)|tt (Tatar)|tw (Twi)|uk (Ukrainian)|ur (Urdu)|uz (Uzbek)|vi (Vietnamese)|vo (Volapuk)|wo (Wolof)|xh (Xhosa)|yo (Yoruba)|zh (Chinese)|zu (Zulu)"

FullColorList=alice blue^=#f0f8ff|antique white^=#faebd7|aqua^=#00ffff|aquamarine^=#7fffd4|azure^=#f0ffff|beige^=#f5f5dc|bisque^=#ffe4c4|black^=#000000|blanched almond^=#ffebcd|blue^=#0000ff|blue violet^=#8a2be2|brown^=#a52a2a|burlywood^=#deb887|cadet blue^=#5f9ea0|chartreuse^=#7fff00|chocolate^=#d2691e|coral^=#ff7f50|cornflower blue^=#6495ed|cornsilk^=#fff8dc|crimson^=#dc143c|cyan^=#00ffff|dark blue^=#00008b|darkcyan^=#008b8b|dark goldenrod^=#b8860b|dark green^=#006400|dark grey^=#a9a9a9|dark khaki^=#bdb76b|dark magenta^=#8b008b|dark olive green^=#556b2f|dark orange^=#ff8c00|dark orchid^=#9932cc|dark red^=#8b0000|dark salmon^=#e9967a|dark sea green^=#8fbc8f|dark slate blue^=#483d8b|dark slate grey^=#2f4f4f|dark turquoise^=#00ced1|dark violet^=#9400d3|deep pink^=#ff1493|deep sky blue^=#00bfff|dim grey^=#696969|dodger blue^=#1e90ff|firebrick^=#b22222|floral white^=#fffaf0|forest green^=#228b22|fuchsia^=#ff00ff|gainsboro^=#dcdcdc|ghost white^=#f8f8ff|gold^=#ffd700|goldenrod^=#daa520|green^=#008000|green yellow^=#adff2f|grey^=#808080|honeydew^=#f0fff0|hot pink^=#ff69b4|indian red^=#cd5c5c|indigo^=#4b0082|ivory^=#fffff0|khaki^=#f0e68c|lavender^=#e6e6fa|lavender blush^=#fff0f5|lawn green^=#7cfc00|lemon chiffon^=#fffacd|light blue^=#add8e6|light coral^=#f08080|light cyan^=#e0ffff|light goldenrod yellow^=#fafad2|light green^=#90ee90|light grey^=#d3d3d3|light pink^=#ffb6c1|light salmon^=#ffa07a|light sea green^=#20b2aa|light sky blue^=#87cefa|light slate grey^=#778899|light steel blue^=#b0c4de|light yellow^=#ffffe0|lime^=#00ff00|lime green^=#32cd32|linen^=#faf0e6|magenta^=#ff00ff|maroon^=#800000|medium aquamarine^=#66cdaa|medium blue^=#0000cd|medium orchid^=#ba55d3|medium purple^=#9370db|medium seagreen^=#3cb371|medium slate blue^=#7b68ee|medium spring green^=#00fa9a|medium turquoise^=#48d1cc|medium violet red^=#c71585|midnight blue^=#191970|mint cream^=#f5fffa|misty rose^=#ffe4e1|moccasin^=#ffe4b5|navajo white^=#ffdead|navy^=#000080|old lace^=#fdf5e6|olive^=#808000|olive drab^=#6b8e23|orange^=#ffa500|orange red^=#ff4500|orchid^=#da70d6|pale goldenrod^=#eee8aa|pale green^=#98fb98|pale turquoise^=#afeeee|pale violet red^=#db7093|papaya whip^=#ffefd5|peach puff^=#ffdab9|peru^=#cd853f|pink^=#ffc0cb|plum^=#dda0dd|powder blue^=#b0e0e6|purple^=#800080|red^=#ff0000|rosy brown^=#bc8f8f|royal blue^=#4169e1|saddle brown^=#8b4513|salmon^=#fa8072|sandy brown^=#f4a460|sea green^=#2e8b57|seashell^=#fff5ee|sienna^=#a0522d|silver^=#c0c0c0|sky blue^=#87ceeb|slate blue^=#6a5acd|slate grey^=#708090|snow^=#fffafa|spring green^=#00ff7f|steel blue^=#4682b4|tan^=#d2b48c|teal^=#008080|thistle^=#d8bfd8|tomato^=#ff6347|turquoise^=#40e0d0|violet^=#ee82ee|wheat^=#f5deb3|white^=#ffffff|white smoke^=#f5f5f5|yellow^=#ffff00|yellow green^=#9acd32
SafeColorList=aquamarine^=#66ffcc|beige^=#ffffcc|black^=#000000|blue violet^=#9933ff|blue^=#0000ff|brown^=#993333|cadet blue^=#669999|chocolate^=#cc6633|coral^=#ff6666|cornflower blue^=#6699ff|crimson^=#cc0033|cyan^=#00ffff|dark blue^=#000099|dark cyan^=#009999|dark goldenrod^=#cc9900|dark green^=#006600|dark khaki^=#cccc66|dark olive green^=#666633|dark orchid^=#9933cc|dark red^=#990000|dark sea green^=#99cc99|dark slate blue^=#333399|dark slate gray^=#336666|dark turquoise^=#00cccc|dark violet^=#9900cc|deep pink^=#ff0099|deep sky blue^=#00ccff|dim gray^=#666666|dodger blue^=#3399ff|forest green^=#339933|gold^=#ffcc00|goldenrod^=#cc9933|gray^=#999999|green yellow^=#99ff33|green^=#009900|hot pink^=#ff66cc|indian red^=#cc6666|indigo^=#330099|lawn green^=#66ff00|light blue^=#99ccff|light coral^=#ff9999|light cyan^=#ccffff|light green^=#99ff99|light sea green^=#339999|light steel blue^=#99cccc|lime green^=#33cc33|lime^=#00ff00|magenta^=#ff00ff|medium aquamarine^=#66cc99|medium blue^=#0000cc|medium purple^=#9966cc|medium sea green^=#33cc66|medium slate blue^=#6666ff|medium spring green^=#00ff99|medium violet red^=#cc0066|midnight blue^=#000066|misty rose^=#ffccff|navajo white^=#ffcc99|olive drab^=#669933|olive^=#999900|orange red^=#ff3300|orange^=#ff9900|orchid^=#cc66cc|pale goldenrod^=#ffff99|pale turquoise^=#99ffff|pale violet red^=#cc6699|pink^=#ffcccc|plum^=#cc99cc|powder blue^=#ccccff|purple^=#990099|red^=#ff0000|rosy brown^=#cc9999|royal blue^=#3366cc|saddle brown^=#993300|sandy brown^=#ff9966|sea green^=#339966|sienna^=#996633|silver^=#cccccc|slate blue^=#6666cc|spring green^=#00ff66|steel blue^=#3399cc|tan^=#cccc99|tomato^=#ff6633|turquoise^=#33cccc|violet^=#ff99ff|white^=#ffffff|yellow green^=#99cc33|yellow^=#ffff00
There are a bunch of minor improvements, like adding alt attributes to all the image files, some dumb typos, etc. Fixed the DocType and changed the CSS name to the project name. Added the character set declaration, too. Oh, and there are some additional images in the Themes, but I haven't updated the Themes Clips yet. They'll get added when you make a book, but not when you make a theme. Next time! (For now, you can manually add the extra images to any theme you make -- just copy the images to the appropriate Themes folder under NoteTab/Libraries/xBook/Themes.

If you've made any docs with the prior set of libraries, you probably will need to edit them to conform to the new system. Sorry, but coming up with a clip to do that automatically would take forever... Maybe you could do it and share?

m a r

EDIT: the above A Princess of Mars is not congruent with the current Clip Library -- if you want a book to play with, this file (The Gods of Mars, from another thread) should be current.
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Last edited by rogue_ronin; 07-22-2009 at 06:31 AM. Reason: Info re: old books
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Old 12-31-2009, 04:23 PM   #3
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Updated again...

Well, for a bunch of reasons, I've been revisiting my old threads about creating useful XHTML.

I've done a bunch of work on the Clip Libraries -- can't guarantee that they'll all work for you, but they're pretty good for me. I've migrated from a VM to using wine and back to the VM, so there may still be some path problems with the clips -- please comment here, or PM me if you find some. Thanks.

This has a lot of updates, but I still haven't worked the Dublin Core metadata stuff into it. If you've used them, you know it's intricate. I think that it won't be too hard to update, but I'll be needing a bunch of energy for that.

If you are using these, please comment; it could pump my energy up!

NOTE: the make ePub clip doesn't work. I think I can fix it, but I want to do the DC metadata stuff first, so it will be easier. Also, the make zipped html clip requires WinZip and it's command-line extras.

Just unzip the attached folder into your Notetab installation folder (or wherever Windows sticks your working Libraries folder under C:\Documents and Settings\rogue\Application Data...

m a r

ps: You'll probably need to start a fresh collection with this library -- but editing an existing book should be easy enough. If you want help writing clips to convert the head, I'd be glad to chip in.
Attached Files
File Type: zip (257.5 KB, 559 views)

Last edited by rogue_ronin; 12-31-2009 at 04:28 PM.
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Old 01-01-2010, 09:14 PM   #4
rogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-booksrogue_ronin has learned how to read e-books
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Found a bad Clip, one I had edited for use with wine. Replace the Open Project Folder clip in the xBookMeta library with the following:

Open Project Folder
; open the project folder for direct manipulation, you mistake-making SOB!

^!SetIniFile "^$GetLibraryPath$xBook.ini"


^!Set %LibraryFolder%=^$GetValue("Path:Library")$
^!Set %CurrentProjectPath%=^$GetValue("Path:CurrentProject")$
^!Set %CurrentProjectFullPath%=^%LibraryFolder%Library\^%CurrentProjectPath%
^!Set %CurrentProjectFolderPath%=^$GetPath(^%CurrentProjectFullPath%)$

^!Shell explorer.exe ^%CurrentProjectFolderPath%

m a r
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Old 01-26-2010, 05:17 AM   #5
Sullivan began at the beginning.
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this is a good workflow - I had tried something vaguely similar, but you gave me some good hints.
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notetab, text, text editor, xbook, xhtml

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