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Old 04-10-2014, 05:31 PM   #20
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psemeraro began at the beginning.
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hi Friends,

1. The above fix IS brilliant. HOWEVER, there IS a NEWBIE workaround! I just tried it - and it worked fine.
2. i know this is a stale post, HOWEVER, i am still seeing this issue - even with ie11 installed.


The presence of "empty" values in the table wizard fields. The wizard fails attempting to evaluate these empty (or NULL) values - hence the error messages.


BY explicitly specifying values in every field (which means you would have to add/modify your HTML tag content with more info than you should need), you will resolve this issue.


While using the table wizard, and in tag name column, i entered h2, h3, h4 in each level. In the attribute column, i used the name "level" in each level field. In the value column, i entered 1, 2, and 3 in each field level, respectively. the entries looked something like:

level 1: h2, level, 1
level 2: h3, level, 2
level 3: h4, level, 3

Ensuring fields were not truly empty (or NULL) FIXED the issue with the wizard update.

You will need to modify the tags in your HTML file accordingly. NOTE: custom attributes are ignored by normal compilers, which is why specifying a custom attribute like "level" actually works. Your code will look something like:

<h2 level="1">Chapter 1...</h2>

..once you have made the modifications, the wizard will update properly, and your TOC file/eBook will be built correctly.

NOTE: To err on the side of caution, you could use a standard tag attribute like "class" (instead of the example "level" attribute name), and set the value accordingly in both the wizard and the html file. However, i was able to get things to work per the example above.
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