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Old 12-07-2014, 01:17 PM   #1
clemens14 began at the beginning.
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Best workflow for data->database->epub?


I am planning on doing a free epub (and perhaps a related website) on Japanese writing (with a lot of detailed information for each ideogram taken from various books) and I would like to work in a way that I can collect all the information in a consistent way, create a database and then easily put the information together to create an epub with a proper layout (and perhaps also a website online), with an entry for each ideogram (perhaps adding also specific tags for the website).

I was wondering if you could give me advice on how to do it in a way that I can minimize copying and pasting the information many times, since I would like to dedicate most of the time to the research proper.

Specifically, how to construct a "simple" database (including pictures of the various versions of the ideograms) that can be easily exported in a way that can go easily/directly on the epub (with "factsheets" for each ideogram, whether each one of these is on one page depends on the reader).

The layout I was thinking is quite standard (for East Asian languages) and you can have an idea looking at these pictures: (that's not me)
Basically a bigger picture on the left and smaller pictures on the right, various ways of reading the ideogram, the meanings and various compound words that use the ideogram in question, together with their meanings

Thank you very much in advance for your kind advice.



Last edited by clemens14; 12-07-2014 at 01:19 PM.
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