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Old 05-26-2011, 04:23 PM   #66
Nameless Being
Regarding the round and round on what criteria should be used for selection here. The way I see it it is the the Monthly Book Club. Given that it seems to me that if it is a book it qualifies for consideration, that is open to nomination and final selection by the voting process. That's it any book. There is the additional constraint of genre, but that says nothing about how recently written, how commercially successful, how popular, what literary critics say, and most of all not individual opinion. What ever weight should be given any but the first mentioned restraint is a matter for the voting process. I did not rant and rave when I silly piece of fluff like Hal Spacejock was selected.

The new alternative Literary Book Club does, to my mind anyway, import something additional about the generally recognized quality of writing, the significance, and endurance of the work. No so much how many copies sold or how entertaining. Perhaps we need a third Popular Book club?

Anyway as far as this Book Club for this month, I've got no problem with any of the potential choices. I've already talked the members of my local library afternoon book club into reading The Spies of Warsaw for June.
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