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Old 12-03-2012, 08:05 PM   #344
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by holymadness View Post
Seems like a pretty bad argument to develop for Android.
Numbers don't mean very much if they don't represent the same thing.

The market for Android and iOS apps seems to be rather different. Android targets everything from low end devices to high end devices. iOS targets the high end. This skews revenues per unit in Apple's favour since it is doubtful that the people buying low end Android devices are buying as many apps or willing to pay as much per app. Note that this says nothing about the revenues generated by a particular app. It is also worth considering that Android apps are developed for a plurality of reasons, ranging from open source to commercial software. If you have people developing software to give away for altruistic reasons, of course the revenues portion is going to be slanted. The number of apps available is also skewed because of that since many apps are just forks of preexisting apps.

Not that it really matters. Both Android and iOS are healthy enough to serve existing users. I choose Android because it is better for my needs. Other people choose iOS because it is better for their needs. As long as both are thriving, I don't see a point to these holy wars.