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Old 11-02-2008, 11:57 PM   #11
lovebeta has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.lovebeta has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.lovebeta has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.lovebeta has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.lovebeta has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.
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OK. I did a quick hack of Kovid's script. Disclaimer: I knew nothing about python. This is strictly a mimic/mod of his script. Also I found a bug along the way. Therefore, although this profile should theoretically work, I have to manually edit out the "imported css" in the htmls between the feeds2disk step and html2epub step. Otherwise html2epub kept report css selector error and consumed as much as 2GB memory before it hang up.

import string, re
from calibre import strftime
from import BasicNewsRecipe
from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

class NYTimes(BasicNewsRecipe):
    title       = 'NY Times'
    __author__  = 'Kovid Goyal'
    description = 'Daily news from the New York Times'
    timefmt = ' [%a, %d %b, %Y]'
    needs_subscription = True

    remove_tags_before = dict(id='article')
    remove_tags_after  = dict(id='article')
    remove_tags = [dict(attrs={'class':['articleTools', 'post-tools', 'side_tool', 'nextArticleLink clearfix']}), 
                   dict(id=['footer', 'toolsRight', 'articleInline', 'navigation', 'archive', 'side_search', 'blog_sidebar', 'side_tool', 'side_index']), 
                   dict(name=['script', 'noscript'])]
    encoding = 'cp1252'
    no_stylesheets = True
    extra_css = 'h1 {font: sans-serif large;}\n.byline {font:monospace;}'
    def get_browser(self):
        br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser()
        if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
            br['USERID']   = self.username
            br['PASSWORD'] = self.password
        return br
    def parse_index(self):
        soup = self.index_to_soup('')
        def feed_title(div):
            return ''.join(div.findAll(text=True, recursive=False)).strip()
        articles = {}
        key = None
        ans = []
        for div in soup.findAll(True, 
            attrs={'class':['section-headline', 'story', 'story headline']}):
            if div['class'] == 'section-headline':
                key = string.capwords(feed_title(div))
                articles[key] = []
            elif div['class'] in ['story', 'story headline']:
                a = div.find('a', href=True)
                if not a:
                url = re.sub(r'\?.*', '', a['href'])
                url += '?pagewanted=all'
                title = self.tag_to_string(a, use_alt=True).strip()
                description = ''
                pubdate = strftime('%a, %d %b')
                summary = div.find(True, attrs={'class':'summary'})
                if summary:
                    description = self.tag_to_string(summary, use_alt=False)
                feed = key if key is not None else 'Uncategorized'
                if not articles.has_key(feed):
                    articles[feed] = []
                if not 'podcasts' in url:
                                  dict(title=title, url=url, date=pubdate, 
        ans = self.sort_index_by(ans, {'The Front Page':-1, 'Dining In, Dining Out':1, 'Obituaries':2})
        ans = [(key, articles[key]) for key in ans if articles.has_key(key)]
        return ans
    def preprocess_html(self, soup):
        refresh = soup.find('meta', {'http-equiv':'refresh'})
        if refresh is None:
            return soup
        content = refresh.get('content').partition('=')[2]
        raw =''+content).read()
        return BeautifulSoup(raw.decode('cp1252', 'replace'))
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