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Old 05-17-2011, 05:39 AM   #8
Edge User
Today it worked out much better.

I got the low battery beep around 5:20am after taking it off the charger around 2pm the previous day.

I went to the battery status and looked at those.
Time since unplugged: 15hr 1m 15s. Battery level: 13%
eDGe Idle "battery used by cell radio" (15h 1m 15s): 87%
eDGe Idle "battery used when phone is idle" (14h, 1m, 4s): 12%
Dispplay (59m) 2%

So I guess that covers 101% of my battery usage. I like how the PE has two entries for "eDGe Idle", and both of them refer to a cell phone.

For the bulk of this time, I was using it for reading, but I did pop it on a few times to connect usb and transfer files. I also connected it for a wifi for a few minutes to synchronize email and Flick Note (android app for Simple Note, very useful).

This is better than I was seeing up until this point. It's not as good as alex_edge's "5 days between charges" though. I would be happy with 2 days though. Hopefully it just needs more draining and recharging to get back up to snuff.