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Old 05-18-2011, 11:46 AM   #3
Edge User
North19, I can tell you about my experience with my 9 year old daughter.
This youngest little girl is a PC expert user, she writes long tales in chapters using Word and draws, plays games, and she has recently started her own Wordpress Blog which she admins herself.

Now when I bought the Edge, it was very hard for me to get used to Android, because I found myself frequently at a loss. Not with the stylus, but without the mouse I mean.
I have been using the Edge for three months and I still experience a slight degree of discomfort as my hands and mind automatically go for the mouse-keyboard frame.

But my little daughter... when she took the Edge in her hands, it was so easy and normal for her to find her way into the device.
She soon understood the Android logic, the finger scrolling, the "backwards closing" applications, how to use the stylus with precission, open and save journal pages, and the like
She uses the Edge to draw, write, navigate...

So considering that Android seems to be "the" OS for children and young people, and they seem to use it so naturally (so more than ourselves), I would say that getting a second-hand EE at ebay could be a great option.

The Edge has an immense advantage over other tablets as well: its solid, sturdy design, which makes it better for careless, sometimes clumsy children.

Tablets are very frail and I would not recommend them for small children who might easily spill liquids over them or damage the screen.
But the Edge with its clam-like design is more protected and it also has a book format, which is also natural and easy to handle for children, who use books quite often.
So the concept is positive because it reenforces the feeling of having a book in their hands.

The 10.2" is not very big for a 9 year old kid, good for their hands and arm length as well.

He may use it for emailing, learn internet browsing, watching movies and doing puzzles and word games such as WordWrench, for instance.
So I would recommend the EE based on my own kid's experience and on the very good reception the device had on her.

Of couse, you won't spend 500 dollars in an experimental, learning device, but if you get it used for half the price, then it could be a fine choice.
A kid may do lots of positive, useful, creative things with an Edge and even use it for academic purposes as well.

This is what I can say as a mother of an "Edged" kid.