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Old 09-10-2014, 08:25 PM   #41
Ex-Helpdesk Junkie
eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.eschwartz ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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I will say one last time:

A much simpler solution would be for you to simply mark your plugin(s) as compatible with older versions -- since it is. Of course, it is your plugin(s) and you may do whatever you wish with it, but I fail to see what purpose there is in doing so. You are not using any code which requires 2.2, so who benefits when you go out of your way to mark it to require 2.2?
If you change the plugin(s) to simply say 1.48 is supported, it will work perfectly on calibre 1.48, so I do not see why you wouldn't offer it to as many people as want it -- just in case an XP user decides they like your work.

In any event, you are obviously allowed to do whatever you want with it... but I fail to see what the purpose of your sticking point is.

If you are of the opinion that XP users should be forced to install a linux distro or buy a new computer, well, I am not sure why you should feel so strongly to lie about your plugin's compatibility for that admittedly noble goal but keep in mind that most people are Windows users for a reason -- they don't know how to do that without someone holding their hand the whole way; also, that is a fairly big step to be taking solely for the sake of this plugin(s). And shockingly, money is an issue for some people. *Even* $50.

There are almost always options, although granted that they require some effort.
True, but KISS implies that a better option would be to mark your plugin(s) as compatible... since it already is except for the version declaration. And options that require some lots of effort (comparatively) are going to turn people off. You may not care. It is after all your plugin(s), and you are not required to do anything with it that you do not want to. But I have to wonder why you are justifying it to yourself, when you could just say "I don't care about those people. It is their fault for not knowing enough to use the free alternative systems available. Sucks to be them."

I would think you'd like to make it easier for people to use your stuff. That is the usual reason for sharing one's work free of charge. The only reason I would see to mark your plugin(s) as incompatible with 1.48 would be if you genuinely believed they wouldn't work on that version -- but you have been told otherwise:
Originally Posted by davidfor View Post
As the plugin is yours, what you do with it is up to you. But, as I said, there is nothing that I can see in your code that will prevent it fro running in calibre 1.48. And to check, I reduced the minimum version and installed it in 1.48. When I ran it, I had no errors.
We (with perhaps one exception) are only trying to offer what we believe to be genuinely helpful advice. This is not meant as an insult of your work.

But if you are determined to hobble your work over a version declaration, we cannot stop you. Either way, I don't think there is anything more to be said on the matter.

Bye, now.
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