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Old 04-04-2010, 05:25 PM   #8
Edge User
Where do you live? No WalMart or Target? Costco? Walgreens? CVS? Heck I have seen them in grocery stores. I know there are plenty of places like that but..... Even if you have a Radio Shack or some type of office supply store you should be able to get an SD Card. If not head to or and get one. I would get something in the 8-16gb range. I don't know what type of computer you have but most, especially laptops, have built in readers. All you do is put the card in and copy and paste the files to it. You can organize them into folders and simply read them from the SD Card on the Edge. If you want to annotate the documents they do need to be copied to your library which means they will take up storage on the device.