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Old 02-28-2021, 10:26 AM   #8
Markismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicingMarkismus causes much rejoicing
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Yes. However, buying a perfect same identity battery is a rather unique experience for me. You'll just have to work with what's available. So just buy the biggest that will fit and connect.

So most importantly: You have to know the physical dimensions of the space available. The code on the batteries from ALiExpress are just that: E.g. 602030 is 6.0mm thickness with a width x height of 20mm x 30mm. (The capacity is almost a constant times the volume of the battery.)

So you can get away with a smaller battery, but not with a bigger one.

Second thing to really pay attention to is the connection of the battery.

Does it have a small balance board, a PCB with some protection against overcharging or -discharging or is that function done on the device. Nowadays, I never see a battery directly connected to a device anymore, so expect the battery to have a PCB inside the tape of the battery.

Third and last is the connector. It has to fit to the device. If you can solder your connections, it doesn't matter, because you can resolder de connector from the depleted battery to your new one. Otherwise, you'll have to buy an identical one: Make sure of either your skills or your connector!

I usually end up buying batteries from 2 different suppliers, because the shipping time varies greatly. Some have it with you in a week, others take 6-8 weeks. So look at the estimated supply time. Although I mentioned one supplier, you can of course get them anywhere, that's convenient. Personally, I am in great favor of ripping them out of obsolete gadgets.

Last edited by Markismus; 02-28-2021 at 10:32 AM.
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