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Old 01-08-2007, 06:01 PM   #1
RSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it isRSaunders knows what time it is
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Device: Sony PRS-500
PDFs with Adobe DRM

As a new owner, I've re-discovered all the usual problems. The CONNECT Reader software only does what it feels like doing, ...

However, I never saw any mention that the reader only reads Sony CONNECT eBooks. Sure, you can read other random text files and PDFs you've authored yourself. What you can't read are real eBooks from other stores, like

Am I missing some tool that handles this conversion?

Am I missing the reason for this? Adobe supports other reader devices, so it seems that Sony wants reader owners to be limited to only folks who want the read the books on their store. It's not like the iPod/iTunes store linkage, because the iTunes store has more songs than the other stores.

However, Adobe is selling books you can read on any computer. There are lots more computers than Sony will ever make readers. What are they thinking here??

Apologies in advance for being a nube.

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