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Old 10-28-2012, 12:40 PM   #16
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by Elfwreck View Post
Potential other categories include, but are not limited to (I think all of these have been mentioned in the discussions at some point or another):
  • Award-Winners
  • Young Adult
  • Biography (splitting "nonfic" into two categories)
  • Classics-by-age and Classics-by-popularity, or other split of the Classics category
  • War/Military (fiction and non)
  • Free ebooks (guaranteeing that everyone has access that month)
  • Historical Fiction
  • Literary Fiction (we'd have to define it...)

I can think of several ways to split nonfiction into multiple categories; none of them have simple, neat labels. Maybe someone else could come up with that.

Categories that haven't been suggested, even in passing, include Sports, Religion, Erotica, Travel, Poetry, Anthologies, GLBT, and Cooking. (I think. I could be misremembering, or of course something could've been mentioned on a thread I wasn't watching.)
Originally Posted by sun surfer View Post
Just to be clear (I think it's clear, but some more casual observers may not realise it), this is not a poll on whether we should add new categories. This isn't a one-and-done, if it passes we get new categories, if it doesn't we don't, sort of thing.

Whether this passes or not, we will still have votes later on for which categories we should remove, including possibly the second classic.

Consider voting for the second option to allow repeats because of the ambiguity of this rule and because if you don't want a second classic, it's cleaner to vote it down in its own poll.

Here are two more that were mentioned that you could add:

-Drama (not plays) - We could really use a category for "normal" plots, no wizards, no aliens, no serial killers, etc. We currently have no category that could fit in many good books because the plots don't fall into some special genre, so this category could fill that hole.

-Adventure - As in, travelling, exploring, etc. It could include books from say, Crocodile on the Sandbank, to The Princess Bride, to Indiana Jones type stories, to spy thrillers such as James Bond, to westerns, to even The Odyssey. I think it could be a great category.

So in a way travel was mentioned in passing but I also like the idea of a specifically travel category too. Perhaps it could be Adventure/Travel? Maybe one sounds more fiction and the other more non-fiction but it could be interesting having a category with a mixture of the two on the same subject.

Also, I like classics split by age. Perhaps we could do 20th century classics and pre-20th century classics or something similar? But, what do you mean by classics by popularity?

I have always liked the idea of non-genre specific award winners as a month or splitting the non-fiction into biography and other non-fiction months. Free ebooks is an intriguing idea, but feel if we are going to do that it should mean free everywhere [without geographic restrictions].

Drama would be good. Fiction without any fantasy elements. Excluding ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, made up science or pseudo science, just believable stories that could have happened.

Splitting classics into two based on publication date would be another attractive possibility. Maybe the idea of classics by popularity meant classics anyone but JSWolf would be content with?
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