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Old 12-13-2010, 12:43 PM   #1
Edge User
Kindle app highlighting doesn't work.

I'm fairly satisfied with my pocket edge but a couple things are keeping me from being completely happy. After getting the Kindle app up and running I imagined the perfect "read, highlight, and take hand written notes" solution. The "read" part is going well. But the handwritten notes part isn't going as well as hoped and the highlighting isn't going at all.

On my Android phone running Android 2.1 you can double tap a word in a Kindle book and it will highlight and allow the highlight to be re-sized as desired. Same with iPod and iPad's running iOS 4.2. Double tapping on a word with the Pocket eDge does nothing. I can't figure out how to highlight sections of the book on a PE.

Am I missing something? If so, please help!
Is Android 1.6 possibly the problem? Maybe highlighting simple doesn't work with 1.6? If so then the emminant 2.2 release should fix things. However, Amazon requires 1.6 or up and doesn't mention anything about non-feature parity between releases.

Thanks for any feedback!