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Old 11-15-2008, 01:59 PM   #24
Nameless Being
Made me go look at the original site I picked the Autumn series from (Moodys home page) and saw you were right. Nothing but a splash page saying it will be back up "late 2008". I remember the original page I got these from (over a year and half ago) mentioning it was in negotiations for a movie. Geez, that must take forever if they are just getting around to it.

Another reason I end up getting full series of ebooks if I liked the first one or two. Once I have them I can read them anytime, they don't take up space and I've still got them in my greedy little claws if something happens to the original sites.

Side note, like the Monster site. Explains the style of the books. Do like 'em. Now I can check out a few chapters of the vampire series too. Not big on vamps in particular but a sucker for occult adventure romps.
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