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Old 12-26-2010, 09:12 AM   #7
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FarmBoy began at the beginning.
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Why I bought a Nook

Originally Posted by jbcohen View Post
What functions and/or features attracted you to the Nook and/or the Nook Color? Some of my pals are asking me this question.
Well, back in March 2010....

a) battery could be replaced

b) internal storage could be upgraded with my own chip

c) EPUB support, as well as PDF, and I can "sideload" anything I want without having to go through the vendor...

d) more screen, less case (no keyboard)

e) WiFi support as well as cell modem.

After working with the Nook for about 9 months:

a) Thanks to Calibre, there is no need to store a lot of books on the Nook itself, especially since it is hard to navigate. Now I only keep the book(s) I am reading on the device

b) Touchscreen typing is a bit rough -- maybe a dedicated keyboard is not that bad.

c) Out in the sticks there is no WiFi, so the cell modem is handy. In town I use my own home network -- have yet to try a public hot spot.

d) I usually do not carry the Nook with me (certainly not to the BN store, may have to try that some day

e) BN has come through with some nice software upgrades since I purchased my unit -- the most recent one was the best. It has been fairly stable, though it did reset on me once while I was away from home (and WiFi) leaving me high and dry. No idea why this happened.

f) BN has a "Free Fridays" blog that usually points to something "free" or "cheap" and so I have accumulated a variety of books. They even had a cheap Bible (Archaeological NIV), but trying to use this taught me where the limits are on hardware-based eInk book readers.

Would I still buy a Nook today? Not sure... The big question is where do you want to keep your library? Fortunately the publishing houses are providing PC and phone-based readers for their content so you won't lose it all.

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