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Old 12-27-2012, 03:56 PM   #456
Sergey Dubinets
Junior Member
Sergey Dubinets began at the beginning.
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Device: Kindle
A few (possible) bugs I noticed reading the code.

1. PalmdocReader misses the case where c == 0
2. MobiHeader.__init__() assignes self.othidx = 0xfffffff instead of 0xffffffff
3. getLanguage 26 has two entries.
4. "# bytes 19 - 23: start of xor string" => "# bytes 20 - 23: start of xor string"
5. mobi_k8proc.__init__() adds 0xfffffff (instead of 0xffffffff) to the end of self.fdsttbl list
6. getVariableWidthValue() and readTagSection() are defined twice: in and
7. countSetBits() is defined twice: in and; It doesn't need to be a member functions.
8. the same with getTagMap().
9. This is not the most optimum way to write countSetBits(). See bellow (sorry for C#).
10. num += 1 at the end of parseNCX() is redundant
11. re: '''<[^<>]+filepos=['"]{0,1}(\d+)[^<>]*>'''. What about closing quite or apos?
12. re: join removing empty anchors in sigle substitution. Existent re doesn't handle all all possible WS.
13. print format parameters are missing.
14. escape() function is for escaping HTML text nodes not attribute values. It doesn't escape " to &quot;
15. tries to find 'StartOffset' in the metadata. This is hopeless becuase all keys including ('StartOffset') ware deleted at line 154.

public static int countSetBits(int value) {
int count = 0;
while (value != 0) {
count ++;
value &= value - 1; // "eats" lowest 1 bit in the value
return count;
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