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Old 04-07-2010, 03:21 PM   #8
Edge User
And, I use the menu *all* the time. Dolphin does unexpectedly hides my tabs and I need to use the menu button to click on show tabs. The items in my bottom menu are: Go, Add Bookmark (works great!), Start Page, Windows, Refresh, Share Page, Hide/Show Tabs, and More. Under More are Forward, Read it later, Find on page, Subscribe RSS, Downloads, Compact Page, Select Text, Settings, and Exit.

Occasionally, there isn't a Show tabs option. I have no idea why, but it has happened.

Again, I've only done very basic stuff. Gmail, web browsing, using tabs, bookmarking - that type of stuff. But, I've done it a lot. I will say that it's hit or miss with desktop versions of web pages. Sometimes I'll be in the desktop version of, say, Amazon and I'll click on something and, presto, I'm in the mobile version. So, it isn't great for using all desktop pages.

But, oh how I love tabs :-)