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Old 12-04-2008, 06:39 PM   #6
Lanx began at the beginning.
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well tbh i was just making up theoretical numbers to illustrate a point, but using your numbers i took out a ruler and the ipod is 7.5mmx5mm and the jetbook is 10.5mm x 8mm so that'd be a ratio or dpi or something like 64 to 60 respectively. So yea the ipod does have more tightly packed pixels and i'm just guessing that the render or cpu or software or whatever in the ipod touch can scale anything perfectly b/c when i zoom in from 100 to 200 there's like no difference in quality, but i notice the jaggies if i try to do that with the jetbook.

cuz stating resolution is fine, but thats just the amount of pixels stacked up, but if you add the dimensions then you'd see how tightly packed the pixels are or how small each individual pixels are.
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