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Old 07-07-2012, 07:19 AM   #60
Nameless Being
In my case, ereaders have cost me a small fortune. I used to grab books from the library or used, so I wasn't spending very much on books. So I have spent about $600 on hardware over a period of time when I'd spend approximately $250. The ereader also changed my reading habits. Prior to ereaders, I mostly read technical books. With ereaders, I read a lot of fiction. The thing is, a $5 (used) technical book takes a lot longer to read than a $5 ebook novel. So in a burst of enthusiasm over ereaders, I spent nearly $400 in books. So I'd say it cost me 4 times more. But it got me reading more, and different stuff.

Thankfully I switched to an ePub based reader so there's library lending. I've also ditched new ebooks for very old ebooks (i.e. the public domain). So maybe I'll break even by 2018.
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