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Old 09-03-2005, 01:33 PM   #12
sadi r-p
Nameless Being
thx all

i'm glad this become an interesting topic of conversation. We expected as much and are glad of it to be sure. Sigler was, as you might have listened, an interesting interview.

It was a smart way to get a p-book contract, but as someone here said, e-books will never replace e=books in any way. It just won't happen. Some of the larger houses are doing it, Harper i beileve, was one of the first, if not THE first, but still, i'm not sure where the profit for them is unless it is print on demand in which case, why not just keep it a p-book? The problem we face is that most publishers do not even understand the concept of what an e-book is; the first barrier we need to break is that... helping publishers, especially the smaller literary presses (Coffee House, Godine, etc etc and a whole bunch of others) understand that money can be made in this venue.

Once we prove that, the we will be all set and the trend will catch on but for now, dont' count on it happening with a larger press. Some very small presses may catch on, but those are so small that right now they still have their own distribution and don't make it into the chains... which is a huge factor when choosing a press.. Being in the chains and a NYT review is everything...

well, i could go on and on... and maybe in my next aritlce and podcast i will.

For now, thanks all for reading and tuning in! And thanks Alex for the fine compliement!

Sadi (R-P)
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