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Old 01-13-2011, 09:31 PM   #6
Edge User
To create table of content in journals: In the journal go to the page where you want to create the bookmark.
Press on the menu icon with the pen.
Then press on the page menu.
Then select edit tab
write a name press Add

Repeat for every page

Now when you select table of content for a journal you will get the different names that you added

Originally Posted by sammieb77 View Post
Thanks, but I guess what I mean is that when I am using the tablet side and I have made a journal and tagged it with the class that I am using it for I can 'long press' on the journal. It gives me a few options, one of them being 'table of contents.' When I click table of contents, there are pictures near the top of the screen. I don't know what the pictures mean.

I want to be able to make a notebook of sorts for each class with a table of contents: Syllabus, notes, recordings of lectures, etc.

Speaking of which, how do you use the voice recorder? lol
Thanks for all the help.